Painter Genealogy


Martha Painter Genealogy

(1) Martha Painter, the oldest child of Absalom and Sarah Painter, was married Apr. 18, 1834, to Allen White, who was born Dec. 7, 1810, and who is at present (1904) the oldest living person in the county in which he resides, being 94 years of age. They lived for many years by the old church just north of Frye's Mill. on the farm now owned by William A. Painter and where James O. Painter at present resides. To them were born three children.

(1) Harvey White. Born Feb. 3, 1836. Married, about the year 1858, to Amanda J. Powers. They moved West, and are at present living at Chino. San Bernardino Co., Cal. To them have been born four children, all of whom are married, but no account of them could be obtained.

(1) Martha White.

(2) Ida White.

(3) George White.

(4) Frederic White.

(2) Abraham White. Born Dec. 20, 1841. Married, Sept. 22, 1862, to Mary Elizabeth Whitworth, a daughter of William B. and Amanda Whitworth, and who died Jan. 31, 1879. To them were born five children.

(1) John M. White. Born March 28. 1863. Married, Nov. 19, 1882, to Martha A. Culp, a daughter of W. P. and Mary E. Culp, of Sulphur Springs, Ind. To them have been born three children.

(1) Mary E. White. Born Sept. 18, 1883; died Dec. 2, 1899.
(2) William R. White. Born July 22, 1889.
(3) Vada V. White. Born Oct. 18, 1899.

(2) Sanford White. Born Nov. 28, 1864. married, Apr. 4, 1885, to Ella Cory, a daughter of Abraham and Mary Cory, and who died May 15, 1898. To this union were born two children.

(1) Ernest White. Born May 7, 1886.
(2) Marea White. Born March 28, 1898; died Aug. 15, 1898.

Sanford White was again married, Dec. 10, 1903, to Zoe Sanders, a daughter of George W. and Frances Virginia Sanders, of Middletown, Ind., at which place they at present reside.

(3) William Edward White. Born June 1, 1870. Married, March 27, 1892, to Laura E. Modlin, a daughter of Nathan and Electa Modlin, of Delaware County, Ind. They live at Cowan, Delaware Co., Ind. They have three children.

(1) Clarence White. Born Sept. 20, 1893.
(2) Mildred White. Born May 22, 1896.
(3) Carl White. Born Sept. 17, 1903.

(4) Sarah Alberta White. Born July 15, 1873. Married, Apr. 12, 1893, to Sanford C. Neff, of Cowan, Ind. They live at present in New Castle, Ind. To them have been born three children.

(1) Helen E. Neff. Born Nov. 6, 1895.
(2) William H. Neff. Born June 19, 1898; died March 8, 1901.
(3) Charles Gordon Neff. Born July 13, 1901; died Sept. 2, 1901.

(5) Walter White. Born Apr. 15, 1877. married, June 12, 1899, to Sadie E. Grinter, of Grinter, Kan. They have one daughter.

(1) Iva C. White. Born Feb. 8, 1903; died Aug. 3, 1903.

(3) Sarah A. White, the third child of Allen and Martha White, was married, Dec. 2, 1873, to William Radal Shirey. They live a half mile north of the Groenendyke Washing Machine Factory. Their post-office address is Muncie, Ind., R. F. D. No. 5. They have three children.

(1) Warren C. Shirey. Born Nov. 1, 1876. Married, Feb. 13, 1901, to Laura Bowman, a daughter of Casper Bowman. They have one son.

(1) Clarence Raymond Shirey. Born Nov. 24. 1902.

(2) Wilbur Shirey. Born Aug. 11, 1883.

(3) Martha E. Shirey. Born Dec. 21. 1888.



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