Absalom Painter Genealogy(5) ABSALOM PAINTER, fifth child of Christian and Mary E. Painter, was born in Virginia, June 31, 1788. He came to Indiana in the fall of 1832, and at once bought of Jas. Marsh the land which is now known as the David T. Painter farm, a short distance northeast of what is now called "Frye's Mill," but which was then owned by David Shawhan. By profession or trade, Absalom Painter was a cabinet-maker and stair-builder. He was a man strong in moral character and had deep religious convictions. Small in stature and quick in action, he well represented the Teutonic race. Married Sarah Thompson, a sister to Mary Painter, the wife of Alexander Painter, about the year 1814. To them were born four sons and five daughters.
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