Lambert Genealogy


Samuel Lambert Genealogy

9. SAMUEL LAMBERT was born Mar. 16, 1664. His house appears in Salem Commoner's records as standing in 1661 and also in 1702, and in the list of Proprietors of Common Lands he had one right. Samuel was a mariner and evidently made a voyage in 1711, for there is record of a draft dated ,London, October 15, 1709. 20 days sight draft of Samuel Lambert (signed by mark) on Margaret Lambert, wife of Samuel Lambert in Salem, to John Kitchen for £5:12:6." The draft was protested Apr. 28, 1711, " as her husband was come home."

*It was probably this Samuel Lambert whose name appears in a list of names of those summoned to eppear before the Governor as pilots in the expedition to Nova Scotia, 5 May, 1707, and sent on board the Speedwell for transportation to Nantasket: SAMUEL LAMBERT-" Good Pylot for ye Coast of Cape Sables alias Nova Scotia & off ye Cape."-Mass. Province Laws, vol. 8, p. 693.

Mary, the widow of John Warner, as administratrix of Jonathan Prince, for £35:10, conveyed to Samuel Lambert of Salem a house and land next to the creek, July 23, 1694, and there he lived and died and was succeeded by his son Jonathan Lambert, who died possessed of the estate. Administration was granted Aug. 1, 1774, the house and land then valued at £80. The house was taken down in 1789, according to Rev. William Bentley's Diary.

Samuel married before 1690, Margaret, born Apr. 23, 1671, who died after 1732, daughter of John and Hannah (Collins) Browne, and John and Mary Collins, for £14, conveyed to Samuel Lambert of Salem, mariner, about an acre on the main street, under a mortgage payable in 1717. John Collins of Salem, shoreman, sold a common right to Samuel Lambert Apr. 27, 1721.

The children of John Browne, including Samuel Lambert and Margaret his wife, Nov. 22, 1728, conveyed their rights in the estate of their mother Hannah Browne, alias Culbert (sic, an evident error for Collins), to their brother Joseph Browne of Salem, for £99.

Samuel died between Jan. 17 and Apr. 3, 1732, the date and probate of his will, which provided as follows: "I Samuel Lambert of Salem, Shoreman, Weak in Body, To Margaret my beloved Wife fifty pounds in money: likewise the use and Improvement of the Whole of my Estate dureing her Natural Life or so Long as f he Remian my Widow, but if she marry two hundred pounds. To my son in law Joshua Tyler and Margaret his wife one hundred pounds in money after my Wifes decease. To my son in law Thomas Mafon and Preferved his wife five shillings. To my Son in Law Benja Manning & Hannah his wife one hundred pounds at my Wife's decease. To my Grandfon Thomas Mafon Twenty Pounds and to my Grandaughters Margaret & Abigail Mafon fifteen Pounds a peice at my Wifes Deceafe Except my Wife shall see caufe to give them any part thereof in her Life time. To my two Sons Joseph Lambert and Jonatha Lambert Remainder of my Estate real Perfonal or mist, Equally Divided at my Wifes Decease. Margaret my Wife sole Executrix."

Children, born in Salem:

24. MARGARET, b. Jan. 14, 1690; d. June, 1775.
25. PRESERVED, b. Apr. 30, 1692.

(Dr. Bentley remarks that these two daughters lived to a great age.)

26. SAMUEL, b. Jan. 1, 1693/4.
27. HANNAH, b. Nov. 17, 1696.
28. JOSEPH, b. Aug. 1, 1702; d. 1764.
29. JONATHAN, d. July 19, 1774.

Parents: John Lambert Genealogy



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