Preserved Lambert Genealogy
25. PRESERVED LAMBERT was born Apr. 30, 1692, and married Oct.
8, 1719, Thomas, born June 2, 1699, son of Thomas and Abigail (Greenslit) Mason.
Preserved Lambert died Apr. 20, 1782, and the estate of Captain Thomas Mason was
administered May 18, 1747. He was a master (as were Captain Jonathan Mason and
Captain Jonathan Peele, his son and son-in-law,) in the West India trade, before
the Revolution, and an important man in the commercial life of Salem. The son
Samuel probably died young, and in addition to the children given there were two
daughters, Margaret, born Dec. 24, 1728, who married Aug. 30, 1750, Capt.
Jonathan Peele, and Abigail, who died unmarried Oct. 30, 1801. A son Jonathan,
born 1733, married Susannah Babbidge, intention Jan. 22, 1756.
Children, born in Salem:
THOMAS, b. July 9, 1723.
SAMUEL, b. July 5, 1726.
Parents: Samuel Lambert Genealogy