Waldron Ancestry
Resolved Waldron m. Rebecca Hendricks
Rebecca Waldron m. Jan Nagel
Resolved Nagel m. Clara
Catherine Nagel m. Roelof
Van Houten
Grietje Van Houten m. Albert
Catherine Stephens m. Daniel
Frances Hawkhurst m. Elijah Horton
Emma Teresa Cronk m. George Bartlett
Minnie Lenora Hoffman m. John Schmieg
Florence Bell Schmieg m. Stanley Spartan Tumbridge
1. Resolved Waldron was born in Amsterdam, Holland, May 10,
1610, and became a book printer. The family were English and the name was known
in England as early as the time of William the Conqueror.
Resolved and his brother Joseph, being born and raised in Holland, acquired the
characteristics of Hollanders and had married sisters of Dutch citizens.
Resolved Waldron married first, Rebecca Hendricks, daughter of Hendrick Koch, a
respectable Amsterdam burgher. He married second, May 10, 1654, Tanneke, born
1624, daughter of Barent Nagel, deceased, of
Groningen. At that time he was living in the Teerketelsateeg, a short street
just north of the Dam, but in the same year sailed with his family for America,
where his brother had preceded him by two years.
They were received into fellowship of the Dutch church in New Amsterdam and in
April, 1655, he and his brother purchased a house on Broadway, near Wall Street.
Both entered public service and Resolved was made "Overseer of the Workmen." On
April 17, 1657, he applied for a burgher right, which was granted him on May 3,
Being found efficient, the Director and Council, on May 25, 1658, appointed him
Deputy to the Schoutfiscael, and on October 28 he was recognized as Deputy
Sheriff. In 1660 he was made Sheriff of the Dutch Towns on Long Island, but
Director General Stuyvesant wished that he be retained in New Amsterdam, and he
served as the Governor's favorite officer while his rule lasted.
On the occupation by the English, he retired to private life in Harlem, but was
soon called upon to serve the Government, and on June 15, 1665, was elected
Constable of New Harlem, a position of importance in those early days. He was
one of the five patentees named in the Nicoll's Patent, and was also an Elder in
the Dutch church. He died in 1690, his inventory being taken on May 17 of that
Issue by first wife: William, Rebecca, Aeltie; by second wife: Barent, Ruth,
Cornelia, Johannes, Samuel.
2. Rebecca Waldron, daughter of Resolved and Rebecca (Hendricks) Waldron, was
born in Amsterdam, Holland, in 1649, and married first, August 27, 1670, Jan
Nagel, who died in 1689, and on May 15, 1690,
she married second, Jan Dyckman, then of Spuyten Duyvel, by whom she had two
See Nagel Ancestry.