Cronk Ancestry
Andrew Cronk m. Mary Ann
Joshua Cronk m. Susan Horton
Elijah Horton Cronk m. Frances Hawkhurst
Emma Teresa Cronk m. George Bartlett Hoffman
Minnie Lenora Hoffman m. John Schmieg
Florence Bell Schmieg m. Stanley Spartan Tumbridge
The name of this family is spelled Kronkheit, Kronkhite, Cronk,
Cronkhyte and various other ways in the records of the community in which they
dwelt, and sometimes it appears in several different ways in the same document.
This particular branch of the family use mainly the name of Cronk, and for the
sake of uniformity the compiler will so use it in this article, as it seems to
be distinctive of them for over one hundred years.
1. Andrew Cronk, with brothers John and Caspar Cronk, was early in the
neighborhood of Cornwall, N. Y., but his ancestry has not been found. For some
reason not known, Andrew does not appear in the 1790 census, but the Council of
Appointment, p. 981, shows that he was Capt. of Militia in Orange County in
1808, and a mortgage in Goshen, Liber E, p. 243, shows that he mortgaged
property in Cornwall, July 5, 1803, and on May 13, 1811, Liber 0, p. 172, of
Deeds, states that Andrew Cronk and his wife, Mary Ann (Marean) of Cornwall
convey 400 acres of land to Selah Havens, lying next to that of John Kronkhyte.
When or where he and his wife died has not been found. Some of his property is
now owned by the U. S. Military Academy at West Point.
2. Joshua Cronk, son of Andrew and Marean (Mary Ann) Cronk, was of Cornwall, N.
Y., when he made his will there May 1, 1815, which was proven August 2, 1815, in
which he authorizes Isaac Saunders and Daniel P. Carpenter, both of Cornwall, to
sell his property, pay his debts and use the surplus to support his wife and
four children, whom he does not name. The will was witnessed by Joshua Wood,
John Cronk and Wyatt Carr, and is filed in Goshen, N. Y., Liber E, p. 328.
Administration was granted to Daniel P. Carpenter, one of the executors, but
there is no conveyance recorded in Goshen to show that he sold the above
mentioned property, and the only deed recorded concerning any property belonging
to Joshua Cronk is found in Liber N, p. 297, when on May 22, 1809, he purchased
land in Cornwall from Uriah Wood.
Addie Drew of Fort Montgomery, N. Y., granddaughter of Joshua Cronk, states that
the four children mentioned in his will were Elijah Horton Cronk, De Witt
Clinton Cronk (her father), Maria Cronk and Elizabeth Cronk. She took the
compiler of these notes to his burial place on the slope of Butter Hill near
Cornwall. No stones mark the graves of Joshua and his wife, nor is it known when
or where the latter died. The burial plot on the mountain-side is by an old road
which probably at one time was frequently used to reach the Hudson River only a
short distance away. It is sadly neglected, camp fires having partially
destroyed what few stones were left, with the exception of one, which is quite a
pretentious monument, fenced in, and was erected to the memory of John Edward,
born Murrayshire, Scotland, and died January 5, 1843, aged 58 years and 28 days.
The other readable stones were Lydia Jane, daughter of John S. and Lydia Cronk,
died July 10, 1834, aged 3 years and 3 months; Catharine, daughter of John S.
and Harriet Cronk, died December 21, 1839, aged 19 years, 4 months and 23 days;
Harriet, wife of John Cronk, died January 26, 1829, aged 43 years, 7 months and
8 days; Martha Saunders, died February 29, 1848, aged 73 years, 8 months and 26
days; Isaac Saunders-broken in many pieces. Other graves may be seen as well as
other broken stones not readable.
The compiler was led to believe that Joshua Cronk was the brother of Richard A.
Cronk who, as proven by documentary evidence, was the son of John and Abigail
(Parr) Cronk, but in the many real estate transactions of John, filed in Goshen,
Joshua does not figure. An interview with E. C. Carpenter of Highland Falls, N.
Y., an elderly man well versed in the history of the old families of the
neighborhood, and who knew personally De Witt Clinton Cronk, stated that the
latter was not of the John Cronk direct line, but that he was of the Andrew
Cronk family as DeWitt Clinton Cronk had so told him, and he also stated that he
was personally acquainted with all of John's children, this John Cronk (Kronkhite)
dying in 1848.
Joshua Cronk married Susan Horton, but exhaustive research in every available
place has not revealed her ancestry. The census of 1790 shows numerous Horton
families in the vicinity of Cornwall, among them being William, Jeremiah and
Hannah, the latter evidently a widow with five females in the family, but whose
widow she was has not been found. Jeremiah had a daughter Susanna, but his will
was filed in Goshen, N. Y., Liber L, p. 388, and shows that she was the wife of
Henry Clark. In 1775 one Zaccheus Horton was residing in Cornwall, as he signed
the Association Test there, but the 1790, census shows his removal to Warwick
and no trace of his family was found in will or deed, and the Horton Genealogy
was of no value in solving the problem.
Joshua and Susan (Horton) Cronk, naming one of their children Elijah Horton
Cronk, is suggestive of an Elijah Horton in the mother's family, but tremendous
research has not led to one atom of proof of any descent from an Elijah Horton.
As Susan Horton was the mother of four children before 1815, she was probably
married before 1805 and born approximately in 1785.
There was a Susan Hoden, baptized in the Bethlehem Presbyterian Church in
Cornwall, October 25, 1778, which may possibly have been Susan Horton, but for
that period it would make her rather old for marriage as late as 1805. Unless
some private records come to light in the future, it will never be known whose
daughter she was.
De Witt Clinton Cronk, son of Joshua Cronk, was a soldier employed at West Point
during the Mexican War. His parents dying when he was very young, and the family
Bible being destroyed when the old home was consumed by fire, he never knew his
exact age, but that he was related to John Kronkhite, who died in 1848, is well
known to his descendants. He married Rebecca Weeks and they were the parents of
Josephine, Clara and Addie. The latter married Nicholas Drew and is residing, a
widow, in Fort Montgomery, N. Y., and had issue: Mary, Ira, Ada, Edward, Dewitt,
Pauline, Elwood, Floyd, Ida, John and Myrtle.
2. Elijah Horton Cronk, son of Joshua and Susan (Horton) Cronk, was born in
Cornwall, N. Y., and died August 16, 1852, aged 42 years. He was buried in
Sleepy Hollow Cemetery, Tarrytown, N. Y., but on June 29, 1883, his remains were
removed to Cypress Hills Cemetery, Brooklyn, N. Y., and interred there July 3,
the undertaker being H. H. Cronkheyt of North Tarrytown. He was a wheelwright
and on August 23, 1833, married Frances Hawk (Hawkhurst), daughter of Daniel and
Catherine (Stephens) Hawkhurst. She was born near White Plains, probably in Mt.
Pleasant, and died January 14, 1878, aged 67 years, and is buried in Cypress
Hills Cemetery by her husband.
Issue: Frances, died young; Elmira, died January 5, 1903, aged 67 years; Emma
T.; William.
3. Emma Teresa Cronk, daughter of Elijah Horton and Frances (Hawkhurst) Cronk,
was born in New York City, February 13, 1844, and died April 23, 1918, .as the
widow of George Bartlett Hoffman, born October 22, 1840,
died December 1, 1882, whom she married May 23, 1861.
The following notes on the Cronk family are perhaps foreign to the above line of
Andrew Cronk, but as they were secured in trying to establish his ancestry, from
people no longer young, and with such difficulty, it is deemed advisable to
embody them here for the use of some future student of the family.
The History of Orange County, N. Y., p. 813, under Highlands, states that an
early pioneer in the settlement of West Grove neighborhood was John Kronkheit,
who settled on what was, when the history was written, the Samuel Van Voorhees
place and that he was from Westchester County and that his grandson, John, son
of Richard A., was then residing on part of the old tract. It also states that
the William Horton family early resided west of Fort Montgomery in the south
part of the town.
John Cronk, brother of Andrew, was married by Rev. John Close in the
Presbyterian Church in New Windsor, N. Y., on November 16, 1784, to Abigail,
daughter of William and Dinah Parr. They are buried as given below, under the
name of Kronkhyte. He was a large land owner, and gave practically all his
property away before he died and to his daughter Mary, wife of James Green, he
gave what is now known as the Gibney farm, and he and his wife, with her brother
William, are buried, with others, in the back door yard of this place. The
following inscriptions were taken there this year by the compiler: John
Kronkhyte, died September 6, 1848, aged 98 years, two months and 11 days;
Abigail, his wife, died March 20, 1838, aged 81 years and 11 months; William
Parr, died September 13, 1850, aged 86 years, 6 months and 6 days; Sarah M.
Green, died December 19, 1834, aged 26 years and 25 days; John K. Green, died
September 28, 1838, aged 28 years, 6 months and 16 days; Caro-(?) of Jacob and
Jerusha Files (Fields?), died March -, 1834, aged 14 years, 10 months and 2
days; Isaac, son of Jacob and Margaret Vought, died August 19, 1844, aged 9
years, 9 months and 17 days; James Wilkins, died December 11, 1843, aged 64
years and 6 days (some children named on this stone); Catharine A. Avery,
daughter of James and Magdalina Wilkins, died July 13, 1849, aged 27 years, 9
months and 25 days; Magdalina, wife of James Wilkins, died March 21, 1851, aged
60 years, 7 months and 19 days; Sarah, wife of Nicholas C. Vought, died February
28, 1830, aged 22 years, 2 months and 10 days; Abner Gurrie (Currie?) died
January 31, 1864, aged 27 years and 2 months, private Co. C., 3 Reg't., E-
Brigade; Jacob Files (Fields?), died December 20, 1859, aged 70 years, 9 months
and 11 days; Thomas Files (Fields?), died September 18, 1865, aged 33 years and
6 months; jerusha, wife of Thomas Files, died June 15 or 18, 1870, aged 70
years, 7 months and 27 days.
The children and grandchildren of John and Abigail (Parr) Cronk are still
represented in the neighboring towns of Cornwall, and a very fine old clock now
owned by Walter C. Anthony of Newburg, N. Y., came from their home, and their
children, as far as the compiler has been able to ascertain, were as follows:
John; Jennie; Magdalina, wife of James Wilkins; Sarah Howell; Richard A.; Mary,
wife of James Green, who had a son John K. Green.
The first census of the United States was issued in 1790 and the
Cronk-Cronkhites', with families, mentioned in it, living in the vicinity of
Cornwall, N. Y., were as follows: John Cronk, John Cronk, Jr., James Cronk,
William Cronk, and Turner Cronkhite. The John, Jr., had two grown men in his
family, two younger males and four females, so he could not have been the son of
John and Abigail, who married in 1784.
The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record in Vol. 7, p. 46, states that
Wm. Parr resided during the Revolution in Haverstraw, N. Y., but previously was
of Oyster Bay, L. I., and New York City, and that his wife was Dinah, perhaps a
"Weeks," and that they had Abigail, born April 20, 1756, and William, born March
7, 1764, and Mary and Nancy. The census of 1790 names William of Haverstraw;
also Nathaniel, the latter apparently with no family.
Mary, born March 11. 1788, died April 13, 1872, daughter of John and Abigail
(Parr) Cronk or Kronkhyte, married November 5, 1804, James Green, died January
29, 1831, and they had five children
(1) Ann, born June 17, 1806, married a Wilkins, who deserted her. She became the
first white missionary to Africa and Addie Brundage of Highland Mills, N. Y.,
has in her possession many letters written by her to her mother and a picture of
the school house where she taught in Liberia. She returned to America and died
in •1857 and was buried in the same burial plot as her father and mother, but in
1886 the Foreign Missionary Society asked permission to remove her remains,
which was granted by her sister, and they were taken to Maple Grove Cemetery,
Richmond Hill, L. I., where a suitable monument was erected to her memory. Her
death given by the family is November 13, 1857. (2 and 3) Sarah and Mary, twins,
born October 25, 1806. (4) John K., born April 12, 1810. (5) Henry Howell, born
December 16, 1811. The mother, Mary, is buried near her father in an unmarked
John K. Green, born April 12, 1810, married May 9, 1835, Charity Ann, daughter
of John Brooks, who lived on a large farm below the Forest of Dean mines, and
they had one son, John Uriah Green, born June 27, 1836. John K. Green died
September 28, 1838, and is buried near his grandfather, John Kronkhyte. Fourteen
years later his widow married James Miller and they had one daughter, Addie, who
married John Brundage, and is now living in Highland Mills, N. Y. She has been
most helpful to the compiler in trying to straighten out the unsolved problems
of this Cronk family, and she believes that John Cronk had a son named Howell,
who lived at Cold Spring, N. Y. She recalls seeing some fifteen years ago an old
deed on parchment which was then owned by Henry Cronk, which showed that King
George conveyed land to John Cronk-Cronkhyte-Kronkhyte.
She and the compiler drove over to Harriman, N. Y., where said Henry was
supposed to be yet living, hoping to see the deed, which has not been found
recorded, but Henry Cronk had passed away and an interview with the wife of his
son revealed the fact that that part of the family at least had lost track of
the conveyance. E. C. Carpenter of Highland Falls had also seen the deed. A
romance was rather indefinitely connected with it, which was related to the
compiler by three different persons.
Deeds at Goshen show that in 1802 John Cronk had land in Butterhill Cove, nearby
the burial place of Joshua Cronk.
There was a Jennie Cronk who married in the Presbyterian Church at New Windsor,
N. Y., February 14, 1781, David Niles of Massachusetts, who was a Sergeant in
the Revolutionary War, and they had Ruth, who married a Lancaster, and
Catherine, who married a Garrison.
As E. C. Carpenter states that John Cronk had a daughter Jennie, it is possible
that he may have had a sister Jennie, marrying in the same church as himself.
The Newburg Historical Collections in their publication of May 8, 1901, pp. 7,
12, 14, 17, containing baptisms in the Methodist Church, gives the following
data, which shows another Cronk family in the neighborhood, whose connection, if
any, has not been established with John or Andrew : John Cronk, 9 years old,
December 17, 1789, baptized August 23, 1789; Mary Cronk, bp. April 23, 1789,
aged 5 years; Peter Cronk, bp. May 13, 1789, aged 4 years; Ruth Cronk, bp.
February, 1789, aged 2 years; Elizabeth, daughter of Frederick and Margaret
Cronk, born May 22, 1790, bp. July 21, 1790; Benjamin, son of Frederick and
Margaret Cronk, born May 15, 1792, bp. June 20, 1792; Andrew Gee, son of
Frederick and Margaret Cronk, born January 21, 1797, bp. May 7, 1797.
Richard A. Kronkhite or Cronkhite, son of John, who died in 1848, died December
3, 1843, and on December 15, 1843, his son John G. W. and his son-in-law, Hiram
L. Meeks, were made his administrators. The son's name being given as Cronkhyte,
but in the division as Kronkhyte. Issue as given in said division were: Sally
Maria, wife of Samuel Swim; Matilda, wife of Nicholas Meeks; Ann, wife of Hiram
Gee; Henryetta Cronkhyte; Phanuel, wife of Hiram L. Meeks; John G. W. Kronkhyte.
(Liber G, p. 282, Goshen, N. Y.)
Wills and deeds at Goshen and Kingston do not aid in the
CronkCronkhite-Kronkhite-Horton families, but one deed in Goshen shows an Isaac
Kronkhite owning 28 acres of land in Cornwall in 1770, thus suggesting another
brother of John (Liber C, p. 275). Deeds, wills and mortgages have been searched
at White Plains, N. Y., and practically the records of all Dutch Churches and
many Presbyterian ones, up and down the Hudson River have been carefully
perused, but no clue has been found to the ancestry of Andrew, Casper or John
Cronk in its various spellings.
See Hawkhurst Ancestry.
Historical Society of Newburg Bay and the Highlands, No. 3, p.
Records of Cypress Hills and Sleepy Hollow Cemeteries, Vol. 6,
p. 11.;
Family Records.