Smith Genealogy


Roswell Smith Family Genealogy

Record of the family of Steel Smith of Farmington, Conn., 1729, and Windsor, Vt., 1765 to 1812, and his son Roswell Smith of Farmington, Conn., and Windsor and Orange Counties, Vt., 1765 to 1835, and especially his son Roswell Smith, 2d, born in Windsor, Vt., 1781, who died in Fond-du-lac, Wis., in 1860, and His Family, born in and resident of Standstead and Barnston, Canada, 1806-16; Williamstown and Braintree, Vt., 1817-26 East Middlebury, Vt., 1826-46; Tay-che-dah and Fond-du-lac, Wis., 1846-1860; he was a Pensioner of the U. S. for Service in the Revolutionary War. His Pension Certificate was No. 26,007.

In the former Genealogy of the Family of Roswell Smith, published in 1919, the factor used was the only one then comprehended, as no evidence was had at that time that the factor used did not comprehend the entire Roswell Smith Family. There was then no evidence known that he did not represent the entire Family. That he died in Orange Co., Vermont, in 1835, was not known, and evidence was then in hand, and was incorporated in the book. That Roswell Smith, 2d, did die at Randolph, Vt., Nov., 1836 (see page 7); also in the Windsor, Vt., Record that Roswell Smith, Jr., died April 13, 1825 (see page 40). This was accepted as proof that our one factor theory was true. Hence the publication was vised. Subsequently it developed that there were two factors to be dealt with in the Record, father and son. Therefore this re-publication was determined upon to make the necessary corrections. Recent investigation having determined that the reported deaths of the said Roswell Smiths, Jr., were not of this line of the family, and were of undeterminable identity. In the recent research for this republication, they have exhausted the State of Vermont vital statistics, and all Town Records of probable information, as well as the U. S. Census and Treasury Records, in their endeavor to supply the error, and give all possible further information of their ancestry.

417 Second St., N. E.,
Washington, D. C., U. S. A.
June 24, 1921.

A synopsis on the early Smith family of Cheshire England is hereby presented:

The following genealogy presents the line of the Smith family starting with Steel Smith.












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