Tapley Genealogy


Sarah Bennett Tapley Genealogy

Sarah Bennett Tapley (Mark, Daniel, Thomas), 9th child of Mark S. and Sarah Bennett, born in Folkstone, England, Dec. 17, 1851. Came to America when she was 3 years old. She married Charles Edward Miller of Lombard, Illinois, in 1871. They lived in Chicago, Ill., and Benton Harbor, Mich. Her husband died in 1911. She moved to Maywood, Ill., and lived with her son, Charles Franklin, and wife for 15 years. She was grandmother of 7 and greatgrandmother of 6. She died Nov. 15, 1936. 85 years of age.


Emma Elizabeth Miller, born July 22, 1873, died 1874.

Charles Franklin Miller, born March 11, 1875.

Mae Miller, born Feb. 2, 1878, died 1880.

Anna Miller, born July 16, 1881, died July 2, 1883.



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