Tapley Genealogy


John Brewer Tapley Genealogy

John Brewer Tapley (James, Mark, Daniel, Thomas), 2nd child of James B. and Mary Brewer, born March 25, 1880. He is a train despatcher on the Independent Subway in New York City. Married Delisca Helen Hood White, Jan. 14, 1903.


Robert Armond Tapley, born Oct. 31, 1903. Married Irene French of Battle Creek, Mich. Four children, two living.

Norman Tapley, born Nov. 21, 1927.
Dorothy Ann, born Feb. 9, 1934.

Dorothy Helen, born Feb. 17, 1905. Married Tom Mitchell.

James Brewer, born Dec. 19, 1916. James Brewer Tapley married Claire Higgins, March 31, 1940. One child, James B., born Feb. 11, 1941.




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