Smith Genealogy


William Smith Genealogy

(2.) II. WILLIAM SMITH [4-4] b. 1723, d. Jan. 31, 1808, a. 95. Best informed of the early settlers, Justice of the Peace many years, Delegate to the Provincial Congress 1774, Deacon of the Church, "was a man of singular discretion, modesty and goodness, " a useful citizen, and much employed in the business of the town. He m. Dec. 31, 1751, "the coldest day he ever knew, " Elizabeth Morison, daughter of John and Margaret Morison. She was born in Londonderry, N. H., and was distinguished for industry, economy and energy. She d. Sept. 15, 1808, a. 85.

5-1. Robert. (3.)
6-2. John. (4.)
7-3. James. (5.)
8-4. William, b. March 14, 1757, d. Jan. 31, 1776.
9-5. Elizabeth. Married Samuel Morrison. (6.)
10-6. Jeremiah. (7.)
11-7. Hannah. Married John Barker. (8.)
12-8. Jonathan. (9.)
13-9. b. d. in infancy.
14-10. Samuel. (10.)

For parents of William Smith, see Robert Smith Genealogy.



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