Smith Genealogy


Cheshire England Smiths

The house was founded by a younger son of Sir Thomas Smith, of Curdley. John Smith, of Oldhaugh, Parish of Warinanchin Harlcian Moept., 1424 fo 130b, who had for armorial bearings, purple, orange, and green with three fleur de lis interchanged. With crescent for difference his son, John, married daughter of Page. of Alpran of Oldhaugh [edu. 4] impaled his arms by quartering green on chevron. [Ex Cartes Randulphi Smith] de Oldhaugh, Gen. Sir Thomas Lord of Warimchan granted to John Smith of Oldhaugh in the Parish of Warimchan to Maud, his wife, and John. his son, the Tenement in Oldhaugh, dated at Elmthorp, 10 Oct., 1466, his son. John.

II. John Smith and Elizabeth Case, clan. of Sir Andrew, d. 1540; d. 1549; impaled her arms by quartering. Children:

Robert of Stodishin.

Hugh of Hatton had a son Rafe (tailor in London, 1586). Richard M. Agnes Mandorn.

Randulph M. Eleanor, dau. of Hugh Bostock, d. 10-6, 1584; m. Jane, dau. of Rafe Bostock, of Nearcroft, d. 1561. Thomas.



III. Children of Randulph and Jane:

William M. Verenica, dau. of Francis Atenatine, of Moremburg, Germany.

Edward, of London, d. 1568.

Hugh, 1590.

Rafe, d. 1-27, 1594, Bailiff.



IV. Rafe Smith, m. Alva, dau. of Otwell Shawcross; d. 13-1, 1580.


(a) Ranulph. Bailiff, 1599, m. Amy, dau. of Shawcross.
(b) Edw.
(c) Mary.

Rafe, m. (2) Margeret, dau. of William Sutton, children Arthur and Mary.

(a) Arthur Smith, b. 1588, in Oldhaugh, Parish of Warminchan, Cheshire, emigrated to America 1635 and settled in Hartford, Conn., where he was one of the original proprietors. he had a house lot on highway now Elm Street; he was constable 1642, a soldier in Pequod war at Mystic Fort, 1637; died 1655. Inventory £380.26. He m. Mary, dau. of Sergt. Joseph Nash, of Hartford.

( b ) William, b. 1590, (m.) Ann Smith, dau. of Sir Thomas Smith, of Chester. M. (2) Mary, dau. of Sir Hugh Smith, of Somerset.


William, b. 1615: Clint, b. 1618; Simion, b. 1619; Joseph, 1620; Mary, 1629; emigrated to America 1635. Settled in Hartford.

V. Children of Arthur Smith and Mary:

John, b. 1643: Mary. b. 1644; Arthur, capt., 1651; Elizabeth M. Thompson; Hannah.

VI. Arthur Smith, m. Sarah, dau. of Thomas Newell, of Hartford, and Rebecca Olmstead. (She rec'd £40 from her father's estate.) He m. (2) Phoebe.

Children of Arthur Smith:

Hannah, b. 1688; Sarah, b. 1684; Samuel, h. 1686; Thomas, b. 1690.

VII. Thomas Smith, born October 12, 1799; m. Mary Steel, b. 1706, dau. of Ebenezer Steele and Sarah Hart, of Farmington, Conn., son Capt. Steel Smith, m. Lois (Spooner), probably born in Farmington, Conn., 1731. Moved to Windsor, Vt., 1704; chosen assessor, 1761; d. Apr. 5, 1812.

Note of Mr. Jas. H. Smith, of Lansing, Minnesota. Above genealogy furnished by him.



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