Elizabeth (Ruggles) Bailey GenealogyElizabeth6 Bailey (Capt. Samuel5,
Thomas4), born
May 1, 1677, married James4 Bailey, son of Dr. James3
Bayly, of Newbury and Salem Mass., Killingworth Conn. and Roxbury Mass., and
grandson of John2 Bayly Jun. (John1 Bayly) emigrants to
Salisbury and Newbury, 1635. James4 Bailey was born April 12, 1675 in
Lieut. James Bailey died Oct 24, 1715, three days after the death of Isaac Morris, his brother-in-law, the second husband of Mary Ruggles. On the 24 Nov., 1715, these widows were each given letters of administration on their husbands' estates. And Feb. 13, 1715 following, Mary Morris and Elizabeth Bailey accompanied by their brother Samuel, appeared before the judge of Probate Sewall, with their inventories. Feb. 15 two days later, Samuel Ruggles had deceased: and March 1, 1716 (old style) fifteen days later, these sisters again appeared before Sewall, with Deacon Mayo, to prove their brother's nuncupative will. Sewall noticed and has remarked upon these rapidly following events and coincidences.
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