John Senior and John Junior
John Preble, the third son of Brigadier Jedidiah by his first wife, and the
one from whom it is extremely likely that we are descended, was born at York,
Maine, in 1742. In three different places in the volume, the author says that
John "married Sarah Frost, of Machias." Where he gives a more extended account
of John, he says that John "was married by John Allan, Esq., to Sarah Frost, of
Pleasant Point on the Schoodic River, then called Plantation No. 1, and now the
town of Perry, Maine, November, 1783, and died of consumption at Portland,
Maine, December 3, 1787, aged forty-five.
"John Preble was an Indian interpreter, having made himself familiar with the
Indian dialects, and was truck master for the supply of the Indians, by
appointment of the government of Massachusetts, at Fort Pownal (now Fort Point)
on the Penobscot River, from 1770 to 1775.
"In June, 1776, the General Court made provision for stationing a company of
soldiers at Falmouth, Maine, for which they sent ten cannon. The company was
enlisted in the neighborhood to serve until December, and the command given to
John Preble. In June, 1777, he was appointed lieutenant-colonel of the St. John
expedition of which John Allan, of Machias, was the colonel and Colonel Little
the brigadier."
The only child by the marriage of John Preble and Sarah Frost was Lucy, who
married John Mahar in 1803, bore him ten children, and died October 10, 1845.
According to this account John Preble was more than forty-one years old when he
married Sarah Frost. Whether or not he had a previous marriage and children by
that marriage are facts that we do not know, but we must assume that he had.
Certainly he led a roving life, spending many years in the forest with the
Indians, living and trading with them, and becoming an adept at their language,
also serving in the army in different capacities and at widely different
stations along the coast. That he remained all this time without any marital
affiliations, in blissful bachelorhood, seems improbable, if we judge human
nature in the middle of the eighteenth century from the standpoint of the
Our present contention is that John Preble of Machias, born about 1770 or 1771,
our known ancestor, who always claimed to be a grandson of Brigadier-General
Jedidiah Preble, was in all possibility a son of John senior, by a marriage many
years prior to that with Sarah Frost.
The same thing is very likely true in the case of Reuben Preble, who is
mentioned more in detail later in this chapter. Both were orphans and both were
"grandsons" of Brigadier-General Jedidiah Preble.
What we really know about the claim of John Preble, of Machias, is contained in
a few sentences in the appendix of George Henry Preble's volume, particularly in
the following paragraph contributed by my uncle, Edward Perkins Preble, son of
Nathaniel C. A. Preble, who was the youngest child of John Preble, of Machias:--
"John Preble claimed to be a grandson of Brigadier-General Jedidiah Preble, but
was never heard to say who his father or mother were. He used to relate that he
was left an orphan when very young and was taken into the family of his
grandfather, the Brigadier, who designed to give him a college education; but
showing no special inclination to study, he was finally bound apprentice to a
Supplementing and strengthening the above statement by Edward P. Preble, at the
same time diminishing to some degree its value, is this note by "G. H. P.," the
author of the genealogy:--
"If a grandson of Brigadier Preble, he must either have been a son of William,
who went to sea and was never heard from, and of whom we have no other account;
or, as is most probable, of John (the third son of Jedidiah) who married Sarah
Frost of Machias, November, 1783, by a prior marriage of which we have no
account. John, senior, died December, 1787, which would make the age of this
John sixteen at the time of his decease.
"There is a vague tradition at Machias, that John, senior, was married by a
Catholic priest, while it is certain by the record that he was married in 1783
to Sarah Frost, by John Allen, Esq., and left one child by her, named Lucy, who
inherited his estate.
"My father, Captain Enoch Preble (who was a son of Jedidiah by the second
marriage) often talked about the members of his father's family, but never, that
I can remember, made any allusion to such a child being one of its inmates."
The foregoing statement by Edward P. Preble, who was born in 1845, four years
after the death of his grandfather, John Preble, of Machias, must have been made
from information obtained from his father, N. C. A. Preble, and his aunts, Sarah
(Preble) McIntire and Betsy (Preble) Eveleth, who were the only children of John
of Machias living at the time of the publication of the volume in 1870. That
statement and the note by "G. H. P." represent and explain the accepted family
tradition. Any other documentary proof that may have existed has long since
My grandfather, Nathaniel C. A. Preble, and Admiral George Henry Preble, it may
be remarked in passing, were life-long friends and always regarded themselves as
cousins or, more accurately, second cousins, as they belonged to different
generations. The former was a great-grandson and the latter a grandson of the
Brigadier. It was the former's son, Edward Perkins Preble, who served as
captain's clerk under George Henry Preble, aboard the gunboat Katahdin, which
the latter commanded in 1862, during Farragut's famous campaign on the lower
Mississippi, including the passage of the forts below New Orleans.
Here we have the picture: the senior John Preble and the junior John Preble,
the former born in 1742, the latter in 1771, when the "father" was 29 years old,
and Reuben in 1778, when he was 37. The senior John did not marry Sarah Frost
till he was more than 41 years old, after a long and eventful career among the
Indians and in the army and up and down and along the coast and into the
interior. Then there was the tradition in Machias that the elder John was
married by a Catholic priest; also we have the oftrepeated story that he married
an Indian woman, perhaps of the Passamaquoddy tribe, a story that is not at all
incredible when we observe certain family physical traits and complexions; and
the well-known historical fact that the Jesuit priests had long been active in
their missionary work among the Indians and on the frontier, coupled with the
civil marriage of John Preble and Sarah Frost of
Machias in 1783 by John Allan or Allen, Esq. We also have the generally accepted
fact that John the junior was born in Machias.
Right here let me add that some years ago I wrote to the town clerk at Machias
and learned that there were no records in that town of the Prebles early enough
to cover the period of John's birth in 1771.
Sarah Frost apparently lived in Machias or at least in that vicinity; and
inasmuch as all the early settlements in Maine were along a narrow fringe of the
sea coast and all communication was by water and almost all of our male forbears
were as much at home on the water as they were ashore; and inasmuch as John the
senior was something of a traveled man, it can easily be surmised that he was in
and about Machias long before he ever married Sarah Frost, and that his first
wife, if there was an earlier one, was from that town or from the immediate
neighborhood. We have the fact that he was associated in 1777 in a military
command with John Allan, of Machias, who apparently was the gentleman who
performed the civil marriage of John Preble and Sarah Frost in 1783. In those
days in the New England colonies marriages were usually performed by the civil
It is also easy to fill in the picture or to piece out the narrative with the
details, some of them suppositions and others established facts, like this, that
John the senior actually had a wife who bore him a son in Machias in 1771 or
thereabouts, and possibly another son born in Portland in 1778; that he named
one of the boys after himself; that in their wandering from place to place the
wife finally died from privations; that the children, like many a motherless
child in the present enlightened and civilized age, never knew the luxury of a
real home; that they were batted around from pillar to post, and now and then
dumped on their willing or unwilling relatives; that the younger John spent some
time in the home of his stepgrandmother and his grandfather, the Brigadier, who
died, however, when the lad was only thirteen; that the prosperous old
grandfather had suggested an education for the child, but from his incessant
wanderings the boy did not feel the call of books and that finally the aged
grandfather bound the lad out to a carpenter; that meanwhile the father, the
elder John, had remarried and settled down into a family life and that the boy
or boys were not welcome in the new household; that the elder John died three
years later; that his widow Sarah afterward married again and still there was no
place or welcome for this husky young John nor for the other orphan lad Reuben,
who may have been his younger brother.
Such is the picture, based on the hypothesis that John, the younger of that
name, could have been descended only from John the elder. It is the most likely
story and the only one that seemed possible to George Henry Preble, with the
greater knowledge of family history that he possessed. Personally, however, I
fail to see at this late date, why it was not within the range of possibility
that he could have been the son of William who went to sea and was never heard
from, or of Samuel who died in the West Indies. Our present knowledge of their
careers, of course, is so scant that almost any conjecture now might seem
Nevertheless, I incline strongly to the picture previously outlined and am
willing to accept it in its entirety. True, our case is not sufficiently proved
to enable the descendants of John Preble of Machias to join the various colonial
or other patriotic societies through the Preble line. If they are desirous of
connecting themselves with Sons or Daughters of the Revolution, for example,
they will have to try it through some other lines of their ancestry.