Moodie Genealogy


Thomas Moodie Genealogy

Thomas Moodie of Lassodie, Fifeshire, jure exoris, second son of William Moodie, third of Muir, born probably 1646 and is mentioned in will of his elder brother William Moodie of Muir, 14 Nov., 1677, married before Nov. 21, 1679, Marion, second daughter and co-heiress of John Mylne, Portioner of Lassodie and Windie-edge, by Marjorie, eldest daughter and coheiress of Neil Dewar, Esq., of Lassodie, and by her who was baptized 27 Nov. 1642 be had, with probably other issue:

  •  John Moodie, first of Cocklaw.

  •  James Moodie. writer in Edinburgh, living June, 1718. He was probably father of Thomas Moodie, Merchant in North Berwick, who as son of the deceased James Moodie, writer in Edinburgh, was served heir to George Aitkins, writer in Edinburgh. in a dwelling house in that town 27 October, 1748. This Thomas Moodie married Jean McKenzie and had, among others:

    • Ann Moodie, baptized there 10 June, 1748. Married Sir George Houstoun.

    • William Moodie of Muir married Isabel Patoun. This was an old family of the gentry of Scotland and dated away back.


  1. Moodie Book by the Marquis de Ruvigny and Rainval.



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