McIntosh Of Holme GenealogyShaw d. 1179, had Shaw, living 1210, who had William, who had Shaw, who married Helen, daughter of Thane of Calder, and had Ferquhard, who married Mora, daughter of Angus Og of Isla, and had Angus who married Eva, a daughter of the Chief of Clan Chattan, and had William McIntosh, who married Margaret, daughter of Rauri McLeod of the Lewis, and had Malcolm Beg McIntosh, who married Mora, daughter of McDonald first of Moidart, and had Alan third son, who married Jane, daughter of Hugh, third Lord Fraser of Lovat, and had William Mor, who had Donald Mcintosh, who married Catherine, daughter of Hugh Rose, ninth Baron of Kilravock, widow of John Fraser of Faraline, and had William McIntosh, ancestor of McIntosh of Holme. whose son was Alexander of Holme. * Gilbert de Fraser had among others a third son, who beside others had Bernard Fraser, who married Mary Ogilvie, daughter of Gilchrist, Thane of Angus, by his wife Marjory, daughter of Prince Henry, son of the King and sister of King William the Lion and Malcolm, and had Sir Gilbert Fraser of Oliver Castle, whose younger son, Sir Andrew Fraser, married Beatrix and had an elder son, Simon Fraser, who married Margaret, dau gh ter of Earl of Orkney, by a daughter of Graham of Lovat, and had a second son, Hugh Fraser, Lord Lovat, who married Isabella, daughter of Sir David Wemyss of Wemyss, and had Hugh Fraser, first Lord, who married the daughter, an heiress, of William Fenton of Beaufort, and had among others, Hugh Fraser, second Lord, who married Lady Janet, daughter of Thomas Dunbar, Earl of Moray, and had Hugh Fraser, third Lord, who married Violetta Lyon, daughter of Lord Glammis. Allan McIntosh, third son of Malcolm Beg McIntosh and his wife, Mom McDonald, married Janet Fraser, daughter of Hugh, third Lord Fraser; son of Hugh Fraser who married Janet, daughter of Thomas Dunbar, Earl of Moray 1, descended from the Dunbars, Earls of Dunbar and March, of Royal lineage, as Thomas Randolph, Earl of Moray, whose daughter Isabella married Sir Patrick Dunbar. descended from Patrick, fifth Earl, by Ada, daughter of King William I., "The Lion." Allan McIntosh and Janet Fraser had: William Mor McIntosh, who had Donald McIntosh who married Katherine Rose and had: William Mcintosh, who had: Alexander McIntosh of Holme who had Angus McIntosh of Hohne 1671, married Elizabeth Baillie and whose apparent descendant John McIntosh of Holme, 1724, married Janet Baillie. In Georgia we find John McIntosh of Holme in 1735 as one of signers of Creek Treaty as a witness. The Mclntoshes of Holme have several other lines of Royal lineage, as follows: John McDonald, first Lord of the Isles, married Anne, heiress of the McRuaries, and had: Reginald or Ranald, first Chief,2 descended from Prince Somerled who married a daughter of Walter Stewart, brother of King Robert II. By this marriage there was: Mora McDonald (or McRanald), who married Malcolm Beg McIntosh and had, among others:
Lachlan McIntosh and Allan McIntosh were grandsons of William McIntosh by his second marriage, to Margaret, daughter of Roderick Mor McLeod of Lewis by Margaret McDonald, daughter of John, Lord of the Isles. (See McLeod History by McKenzie). William Mor McIntosh had Donald McIntosh, who married Katherine Rose, of Royal lineage. and thus as has been stated the line goes down to John McIntosh of Holme, who went to Georgia. Through the Baillies these Mclntoshes would also be of Royal Lineage, as apparently Elizabeth and Jean were of the family of Baillie of Dunain. Through the McLeods, McIntosh of Holme descended from Olave the Black, King of Man. At least four persons, branches of McIntosh of McIntosh, went to Georgia:
Notes 1 Scot's Peerage thinks the marriage doubtful, but other authorities give it. Both Anderson, page 71, and McKenzie, page 68, in the Frasers, give Janet as having married Allan McIntosh. 2 Of Clan Ranald and Glengarry. * It is here proper to state that the accounts of descent of the
later Frasers vary so much as between Scot's Peerage and others that it becomes
difficult to state the exact lineage of the lines as given between McKenzie and
Scot's Peerage.
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