Lambert Genealogy


Samuel Lambert Genealogy

74. SAMUEL LAMBERT was born May 29, 1768, and he married Aug. 30, 1792, Priscilla, born July 13, 1700, died Dec. 10, 1852, daughter of Joseph (No. 52) and Mary (Foot) Lambert. He was a mariner and a member of the East India Marine Society in 1800, his number in the society being 39.

Bentley refers to the family several times, and on Nov. 14, 1813, he notes:-" Samuel Lambert & wife, d. of his youngest brother, aet. 23, of Stockholm, Sweden." (This was John, No. 78.) " This family has one son settled on Islands in the South Sea in a very excentric manner." (This was John, No. 77.) "The whole are endowed with talents. Capt. Lambert is an able teacher of Mathematics." Jan. 16, 1816. " Capt. S. Lambert is continually employed in copying such maps as are in demand for our seamen in Salem with his pen."

From the log-books preserved by the East India Marine Society, and now in possession of the Essex Institute, it is found that Samuel Lambert kept journals of some of his voyages. The first one found is headed Samuel Lambert's Journal From Salem to Copenhagen & Calcutta in the Ship Adventure, James Barr Junr Master, from May 4 1800 to August 6 1801." By the 3d of June they were in latitude 60:18 and longitude 17:12, and he records " it's not dark any part of the 24 Hours in these Latta's." The next day he "Saw a great number of herrings whales in plenty after them." The 7th of June they saw one of the Orkney Islands, and on the 12th the coast of Norway, and on the 16th they "Came to Anchor at Elsiener," where they stayed a few hours, and on the afternoon of the 16th they came to anchor at Copenhagen. Remaining here until Aug. 11th, they sailed for Elsiener, arriving the next afternoon and staying two hours. The night of 23rd Oct. was "cold & Woollen stockings come in play." The 27th Oct. " Saw a penguin, these birds do not go far from land." The 29th, " By not seeing the Tristan Islands we must have pafsed them on Night of the 26th. it being very Thick Weather. Consequent we must be as much as five degrees to the Eastward of our Reckg." Nov. 2nd, "Spake with C. Donnefon from Rhode Island bound to Batavia." Nov. 17th, " Came to Allowance Beef 1 lb. pr man pr Cabbin 1 1/4 lb pr Man for the Stearage." On June 11th, "At 9 (A. M.) fell in with Capt. Romain of the Company's Armed ship the Cornwallis from a Cruse bound to Calcutta, he took us under convoy presented us with a Sheep & 1/2 doz. Ducks were very acceptable as we had not seen a fowl these 4 months Much more tasted one." The next day two Pilot schooners hove in sight. " At 10 (A. M.) a Pilot came on board to Carry us to Calcutta." There they stayed till the 13th of January, when they set sail and had an uneventful voyage. July 17th, in lat. 12:59, long. 42:03, " I never experienced so many currents about here before this the 13 Voyage to India." July 28th, "Spake with a schooner from Portland, toold as it was peace between France & America." Aug. 6th, At 2 P. M. Saw Cape Ann bears West distance about 8 leagues." The next day, " At 1 P. M. Saw the light house on Bakers Island. At 4 P. M. pafsed Bakers Island. At 5 came to Anchor at Quarantine Roads in Salem."

The next log records a voyage "From N. Y. to Isle France & Bourbon in the Brigantine Reward, John Williams, Jr Master." He sailed on the return voyage from Bourbon, 13th October, in company with Capt. Elkins' ship "Margaret." Dec. 28th, 1804, "Hard Gales. At 5 P. M. hove to Block Island bars W. S. W. At 5 P. M. blowing a mere hurricane hove too a Hull at 8 P. M. Sett reef Fore Sail, At Day light saw Land bars from W. S. W. to N. E. took it to be the Main Land and bore away. At 10 A. M. to our great disappointment saw the Windmills on Nantucket Island, barring N. E. distance about 3 leagues, spake the Almira of Portland a ship in distrefs but it blowing a gale we could not assist her, hauld to the Wind southward." Dec. 30th, " At 7 A. M. the Weather cleared up saw the Land bars from N. b. E. to N. W. wore ship saw Breakers under the Lee at one mile distant breaking mast high, we had " fathoms coarse sand, supposed the Land we saw to be the Main Land and the shoal to be the rocks laying of Seakonet Point, but we were again deceived, the Land was the Vineyard and the breakers Skifts Island reef, at 9 A. M. had 22 fathoms at 10 again saw the Windmills on Nantucket with the Wind to ye Westward, we again hauled to the Wind, to the southward and stood of till 12 at night the 1st January when we wore ship to the northward." Jan. 5th, 1805, " At one P. M. came to Anchor in Holmes Hole in three fathoms we run in by Blunts direction, no pilot showed his nose, we are a compleat cake of Ice. It never was colder, almost perished with the cold, most of the crew froze, only two of all Hands escaped beg visited by the Frost."

The third log is " From Salem to Mocha & back in the Brig Reward,Jn° Williams jr Master." March 22nd, 1805, " At 3 P. M. Cape Ann bore N. N. W. dist. 3 leags from which we take our Departure." May 11th, , At 4 P. M. an English armed Whaler brought us too with a shot, he was from London bound round Cape Horn." June 28th, " At 4 P. M. saw a ship to North d At 6 P.M. was boarded by a boat from the English Frigate Pitt, detained about 2 hours treated very Politely. At 4 A. M. saw the Isle Bourbon bars N. W. 3 leags dist." They remained till Aug. 1st, when at 6 P.M. they took their departure. Aug. 8th, "Millions of birds about us I never saw the like before. At 4 A. M. no ground with 75 fath." Aug. 10th,

At 10 A. M. came to Anchor in 13 fath. in the harbour of Sychelles (Called Mahi) about 1 1/2 miles N. b. W. from St. Ann, soon after got under way and stood over towards the Town and Anchored in 10 faths in the Great Ravine about 11/4 from the Government buildings." Sept. 2nd, " At 9 A. M. got under way and made sail for the Isle of Praslin on the 3rd. came to Anchor in the Harbor of Praslin in 12 faths water. At this Island grows the double Cocoa Nut, the Island is almost covered with the trees that produces them, I have seen a number of three and some of four which they asked twelve dollars for. Feb. 21st, " We found we had Anchored in the fog of Falmouth further down than we expected. At 2 P. M. got under way, and at 5 P. M. Anchored of the East Chop of Holmes Hole."

June 6, 1799, Samuel and Priscilla Lambert and the other heirs of Samuel Foot convey, for nominal consideration, to Joseph Fogg of Salem, housewright, a quarter acre of land in Salem that Foot had bought of Robert Turner in 1698. Jan. 8, 1807, Samuel Lambert conveyed, for $100, to Mary Lambert of Salem, singlewoman, a part of the northern half of the house of Jonathan Lambert. On Apr. 6,1807, James Dalrymple of Salem, watchmaker, recovered judgment and attached the house of Samuel Lambert, trader. May 14, 1808, Samuel and his wife sell, for $200, to Samuel Putnam of Salem, Esquire, two rights in the Great Pasture in Salem. Samuel Lambert died Jan. 24, 1832.

Children, baptized in Salem:

90. ABIGAIL, bapt. Feb. 2, 1793.
91. LAURA, b. 1795; d. prob. young.
92. SAMUEL MORTIMER, bapt. May 22, 1797; d. Aug. 31, 1798.
93. SAMUEL, bapt. Nov. 3, 1801.
94. MARY LEE, bapt. July 3, 1803; d. Aug. 31, 1804.
95. LAURA LEE, b. Jan. 6, 1810; d. Apr. 5, 1894.
96. ABIGAIL ROGERs, bapt. Aug. 19, 1810; d. Jan. 19, 1811.
96a. HENRY L., b. abt. 1812; d. Feb. 28, 1859; m. Abbie W. Moore.

Parents: Jonathan Lambert Genealogy



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