Lambert Genealogy


Michael Lambert of Lynn, Massachusetts

Of Michael, of Lynn in 1647, Savage says that he had a wife, Elizabeth, who died Oct., 1657, and he married in 1659, Elinor, widow of Strong Furnell, and had two

children, and, perhaps, by a third wife, Moses, born April 27, 1673; and that Michael died Aug. 18, 1676. He also had, according to the vital records, twins, Mary and Michael, born Jan. 23, 1661.

Isaac Allerton obtained a judgment against Mich: Lambert, Dec. 26, 1637, and he was a defendant in a slander suit brought by William Vincent, Jan. 26, 1638.

A lot in Salem was granted, Feb. 21, 1637, to Michael Lambert " if he inhabite here ", but the Essex Antiquarian says that he probably failed to come. Also, there was granted, Nov. 26, 1638, " to henery harwood, halfe an acre lott wch was formerly granted Michaell Lambert nere Winter Island."

Dec. 26, 1637, a case was presented in the Quarterly Court (vol. I, p. 53), of Lt. Howe v. Richard Chadwell, and June 27, 1643, is the item, "Henry Collins and Henry Walton, Lamberts witnesses." ,Of Lieft Howe or his brother." June 26, 1638, " Tho: Chadwell being absent Court lett fall." There is also a case of " Henry Walton v. Michaell Lambert. Constable Henry Collins. Debt, Dec. 27, 1642, and another in which William Vincent sued Michaell Lambert for slander. Michaell Lambert was in Court for being drunk in August, 1644. He was of " lin " and his wife " Eliz " (sic) was admonished for " brewing on the Lord's day," Mar. 1, 1647.

The " Inventory of Micha: Lambert 9th mo., 1676, taken by Thomas Fairfax & William Bassett, £48:15:0; allowed 29 9mo 1676 and administration granted to Ellinor the relict." He left children:-Michaell, Abigail, Moses and Rebecca. Abigail married June 9, 1684, Samuell Hartt.



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