Lambert Genealogy


Jonathan Lambert Genealogy

76. JONATHAN LAMBERT was born Feb. 11, 1772, and married (date unknown) Mary Smith (whose mother was also named Mary), who died in 1814 and was buried Apr. 5. The indications are that after Jonathan embarked upon his voyage to the south Atlantic, referred to below, his wife lacked means of support, and, as they do not seem to have had any children, she was taken care of by the overseers of the poor.

Jonathan lived on Court street, in Salem, and was a mariner. In Bentley's Diary we find prayers were asked, Sept. 11, 1814, for Samuel Lambert and wife, on the death of brother Jonathan. " This is the bold adventurer that seized upon an Island in the Great Ocean & collected a few companions to inhabit it, & gave notice that he should supply all circumnavigators. He perished when fishing in his boat with some of his Companions. He was a man of real genius & intrepidity. Nothing common would satisfy him & he had acquired all that general knowledge which observation in Men & manners could supply. He had a ready tongue & good pen, an enquiring mind & a power to know & possess what circumstances could give him, at the instant they appeared. I knew him intimately well."

In Mass. Historical Collections, series 2, vol. II, page 125, is printed a letter from Benjamin F. Seaver, agent for the proprietors of the islands of Tristan d'Acunha, to his Excellency, Earl Caledon, Governor, &c., of the Cape of Good Hope, &c.

" Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope, March 1st, 1811.

" My Lord,

" In compliance with your Lordship's request, I take the liberty of describing the situation and extent of the islands of Tristan d'Acunha, as well as what may be done towards the settlement of the large island.

" In December last, when on the coast of Brazil, having fallen in with an American ship, I understood that there was a man on board by the name of Jonathan Lambert, a native of America, who had resolved to establish himself on the large island of Tristan d'Acunha, for the purpose of cultivating the soil and breeding poultry, with other stock, expecting it would be an inducement for vessels passing in that tract to touch for refreshments, whenever it might be known. On the 28th January, ultimo, being in sight of the Islands . . . I determined on despatching the Charles' boat ... for the purpose of taking some fresh water; when Mr. Lambert with two other men were found, and reported that they had been landed twenty days ... there was a spot of ground Lambert had cleared for a garden; full two acres were laid out in neat beds, with radish and cabbage plants growing in great luxuriance, and more than one inch above the surface, Indian corn, potatoes, and the pumpkin vine, with the water and musk-melon were also above ground... . Mr. Lambert expressed to me his desire that I would communicate to your Lordship that he set out with views which he trusted would be considered by the British Government and the honourable East India Company laudable, and deserving their protection and assistance. . . . And whenever the sanction of the British Government, h e then would most solemnly declare himself allied to that government; and by permission display the British flag on the island, reserving to himself always the governorship, provided an equivalent could not be agreed upon." (He desires assistance and a small vessel to carry some colonists from Cape of Good Hope with cattle, &c.)

Benjamin F. Seaver.

Jonathan Lambert died Oct. 19, 1813.

An administration of the estate of Mary Lambert of Salem, "singlewoman ", intestate, was granted April 20, 1814, to James Odell of Salem, gentleman. It is to be noted that she is called "singlewoman ", whether through error or because she had been separated or deserted by her husband is not clear. The inventory, dated Marblehead, Apr. 21, 1814, included 2/3 of an old dwelling house and 4 poles of land, 1/3 set off to Doctor Fuller of Middleton, $136.50. Capt. James Odell presented the inventory. Among the debts is " town of Salem's demands, $417."

Parents: Jonathan Lambert Genealogy



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