Jones Genealogy


Samuel Jones Genealogy

25. Samuel4 Jones (Lieut. Jonathan3 Samuel2 Hugh1) was born in Wilmington December 19, 1746. Settled in Hillsborough, New Hampshire shortly after the beginning of the Revolution where he resided some years. Later he lived in Washington and finally settled in Stoddard where he died. He served in the Revolution under Maj. Loammi Baldwin. He married, 1768, Hannah Hoar, born 1750, died October 16, 1809.


1. Hannah, born June 9, 1769.
2. Nehemiah, born March 26, 1771.
3. Rhoda, born June 6, 1773.
4. Capt. Samuel, born September 30, 1777.
5. Stillman, born April 14, 1780.
6. Milton, born February 10, 1782.
7. Capt. Chauncey, born October 11, 1792.






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