Hook Genealogy


Anna Maria Hook Genealogy

Anna Maria Hook (daughter of James Schley Hook and granddaughter of Dr. Daniel Hook) b. Aug. 16, 1861; m. Oct. 2, 1879, in Atlanta, Fletcher J. Spratling. Residence, Atlanta, Ga., where Mr. Spratling has been prominent in politics and for eight years Clerk of Criminal Division of Superior Court. She is Vice Regent, Atlanta Chapter, D. A. R.

Children of Anna Maria Hook and her husband, Fletcher J. Spratling:

(1) James Hook Spratling, b. in Augusta, Dec. 3, 1880; m. 1905, Pauline Wagoner of Atlanta. At present prominent optician of Macon, Ga. Issue: (1) Pauline; (2) Martha; (3) James Hook, Jr.

(2) Fletcher Guy Spratling, b. in Augusta, Ga., Mar. 3, 1882. Now residing, Chicago, Ill., where he is district manager for the Coca Cola Company.

(3) Mildred Spratling, b. in Augusta, Ga., Aug. 14, 1888; m. Roy Collier of Atlanta. Of issue, two sons: Roy Collier, Jr. and John Spratling Collier. Residence, Atlanta, Ga.




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