Frame Genealogy


Walter Reuben Frame Genealogy

Walter Reuben Frame, son of Reuben and Margaret Frame, was born on January 26, 1849 in South Salem, New York. He married Ellen (Nellie) Stevens at Trempeleam, Wisconsin on October 7, 1879 by Rev. Reuben Frame. Their children were:

  1. John Davidson, born in Hudson, Wisconsin, June 26, 1880. As a medical Missionary, he went to Resht, Persia in 1905. He married Miss Grace Murray, a missionary at Resht, on September 1, 1915. Their children are:

    1. John Davidson Frame, Jr., born in Resht, Persia, February 16, 1917;

    2. Charles Ryburn Frame, born in Resht, Persia, March 15, 1918;

    3. Ellen Jennette Frame, born in Resht, Persia, July 24 1926;

    4. Murray Scott Frame, born in Resht, Persia, May 15, 1922; died July 8, 1924.

  2. Murray Scott, born in Hudson, Wisconsin, November 4, 1881; died in Peking, China, on June 5, 1918 of Typhus fever. He was buried in Tungchow, near Peking.

  3. Margaret Ana, born in Stevens Point, Wisconsin, May 25, 1884; went to China as a missionary in 1910; was a teacher in a Girls School at Tengchowfu, Shantung, China.

Walter Reuben Frame, was ordained to the Presbyterian ministry on October 6, 1875 in New Jersey; he died of pneumonia at Stevens Point, Wisconsin, on January 29, 1890.

Walter Reuben Frame graduated from Princeton College in 1872, and from the Princeton Theological Seminary in 1875. He was ordained to the Presbyterian ministry by the Presbytery of New Brunswick, New Jersey, on October 6, 1875.

He stated supply at Kingston, Penn., from 1875-1876. He was Pastor at La Crosse, Wisconsin, from 1876-1879; at Hudson, Wis., from 1879-1884, and at Stevens Point, Wis., from 1884-1890. The corner stone of the Walter R. Frame Memorial church at Stevens Point, Wis., was laid in September 1892, and the church was dedicated on November 22, 1896. Walter Reuben Frame was permanent clerk of Synod of Wisconsin from 1879-1882; was stated clerk of Synod of Wisconsin from 1882-1890; was pastor of the North Church, in La Crosse, Wisconsin, from 1876--1879. He was Pastor of Stevens Point, Wis., church from 1884-1890.



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