Carpenter Genealogy


Elisha Carpenter Genealogy

Elisha Carpenter (6), b. June 18, 1728, son of Daniel Carpenter; m. Esther Greenwood, daughter of Revd. John Greenwood. Elisha was appointed ensign in that company whereof Phillip Walker, Esq., was captain, in a regiment of foot commanded by Colonel Thomas Doty, raised for a general invasion of Canada, 1758. 'It is likely he went to Savoy, to occupy a tract of land known as " Bullock's Grant, " given him for his, or his father's, military services. He was one of the earliest settlers of Savoy, where he built, the first saw-mill erected. He died there March 25th, 1813, and his wife, who was born May 4, 1733, died April 24, 1814. Their graves are unmarked by any monument to show their resting-place. Their children were born in Rehoboth, and are:

Esther (7) b. April 13, 1752; m. William Ingraham. Shed. Savoy, July 26, 1846.

Cynthia (7), b. April 27, 1754; m. Nathaniel Braley. Shed Albion, N. Y., May 18, 1841.

Elisha (7), b. May 6, 1756; was a ship officer; lost at sea, 1785.

Benjamin (7), b. June 17, 1758; d at Rehoboth, July 11, 1761.

Comfort (7), b. September 8, 1761; d. in southern port, yellow fever, August 8, 1785.

Hannah (7), b. March 17, 1764; m. Howland Kimball; d. Gaines, N. Y., September 10, 1828.

Sarah (7), b. Dec. 15, 1766; d Rehoboth, Oct. 26, 1767.

Benjamin (7), b. Sept. 11, 1768; m. 1, Nancy Fisher; 2, Mima Hollis. He d. Savoy, June 11, 1836.

Sarah (7), b. Oct. 4, 1771; m. Pardon Arnold; d. Manchester, N. Y., July 2, 185 7.

Nancy (7), b. Feby. 5, 1775; d. Rehoboth, Jany. 17, 1767.

Elijah (7), b. May 26, 1777; m. Sallie Davis; d. Morristown, N. Y., Feb., 1842.

Sylvanus (7), b. May 29. 1780; m. Rhoda Hathaway; d Groton, N. Y., August 22, 1853.



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