Carpenter Genealogy


Benjamin Carpenter Genealogy

Benjamin Carpenter, son of Timothy (1), m. October 30, 1718, Dianah Alvenson, who was b. March 19, 1698. Dianah d. Nov. 2, 1758, and was buried at Friends' Meeting House, in Chapaqua, Westchester County, N. Y. Benjamin married a second wife, Lydia -, who died Nov. 25, 1778. Benjamin d. March 26, 1778. Their children were:

1. Eliza, b. Sept. 12, 1719.

2. Elijah, b. Dec. 23, 1722; married Ellen -, who was b. June, 18, 1728. Their children were:

1. Samuel, b. Oct. 5, 1751.
2. Amy, b. Jan. 3, 1753.
3. George, b. July 17, 1754
4. Benjamin, b. June 30, 1756.
5. Phoebe, b. Dec. 22, 1760.

3. Ezra, b. May 6, 1726.

4. Luther, b. Aug. 16, 1730.

5. Sarah, b. July 11, 1734.

6. Caleb, b. Sept. 25, 1736; m. July 22, 1759, Amy Caleb d. Dec. 20, 1826. Amy d. Jan. 18, 1795. Their children were:

1. Lebe, b. July 4, 1760.
2. Benjamin, b. April 1, 1762.
3. Mary, b. May 26, 1767.
4. Lydia, b. Aug. 4, 1769; d. 1796.
5. John, b. Oct. 20, 1771.
6. Zeno, b. Dec. 8, .1773; d. 1795.
7. Ruth, b. Jan. 24, 1776.
8. Caleb; b. Oct. 24, 1778; d. 1814.



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