Preble Genealogy


Descendants of Nathaniel Coit Allen Preble

Nathaniel Coit Allen Preble, b. at New Goucester Aug. 4, 1816; m. Aug. 28, 1841, Sarah Bartlett Eveleth, his second cousin, who was b. at New Gloucester, May 29, 1817. He died at Somerville, Jan. 2, 1875, and she died at Somerville, Jan. 18, 1876; had eight children. She was the daughter of Perkins Eveleth and Lydia Collins True. Her maternal grandmother was (???)Collins, sister of Sarah and Esther Collins, who were married to John Preble of Machias.

Descendants of Nathaniel Coit Allen Preble, Youngest Child of John of Machias

  1. Ellen F. Preble; b. Boston, Aug. 26, 1842; m. June 18, 1866, William Edward Jones, who was b. in Boston, Nov. 9, 1842, served during the Civil War in the Eleventh Mass. Light Battery, and was drowned at Walpole, N. H., July 26, 1872. For 40 years she was a Boston school teacher and died Mar. 4, 1913, at Somerville, where she had lived since 1869.

    1. Edward Lincoln Jones; b. Somerville, Feb. 17, 1867; d. at Northampton, Mass., Sept. 8, 1903; m. Emma Burckes, of Somerville, May 9, 1895. She died May 27, 1911. They had three children:

      1. Rebecca Preble Jones; b. Winchendon, Mass., Apr. 25, 1896; m. in New York City, Sept. 6, 1921, George Daniel Butler, Yale graduate, who was in the ambulance service in France during the World War; has two children:

        1. George Daniel Butler, Jr., b. in Newark, N. J., Apr. 13, 1923;

        2. Robert Jones Butler, b. in Englewood, N. J., June 25, 1928; resides, 153 Highwood avenue, Leonia, N. J.

      2. Robert Burckes Jones; b. Northampton, Oct. 8, 1897; m. Lois Keith Bateman, daughter of Dr. Frank E. and Sophie Bateman, of Somerville, Sept. 16, 1922; has three children;

        1. Natalie Reed Jones; b. Dec. 13, 1924;

        2. Eleanor Preble Jones; b. Nov. 14, 1926;

        3. Sylvia Bateman Jones; b. Jan. 23, 1929; all three children born at the Copp Hospital in Cambridge; residence, 51 Woods road, West Medford, Mass.

      3. Laura Eveleth Jones; b. Northampton, Nov. 9, 1902; m. at Cambridge, June 14, 1922, Edward Irving Cooper, son of Frank Irving Cooper, architect, and Anna Wellington Cooper, nee Sawyer, of Wayland, Mass.; Edward was graduated from Harvard, 1913; was lieutenant in the Air Service during the World War; has:

        1. Eveleth Irving Cooper; b. at New Haven, Conn., Aug. 20, 1926, and

        2. David Wellington Cooper; b. at New Haven, Mar. 21, 1928; residence, 58 St. Sulpice road, Montreal.

    2. William Preble Jones; b. Somerville, Mass., Apr. 22, 1869; m. Martha Gertrude York, daughter of James Monroe York and Nellie Eunice (Buzzell) York, of Somerville, Sept. 26, 1896. Children:

      1. Helen Eunice Jones; b. Somerville, Jan. 22, 1898.

      2. Edith York Jones; b. Somerville, Aug. 24, 1899; m. Lieutenant Nelson Hathaway Seaver, son of Llewellyn D. and Mary (Cole) Seaver, of Roxbury, Mass., June 15, 1918; he graduated from Harvard College 1917; was first lieutenant in 304th Infantry of the 76th Division in United States army in France; has three children

        1. (6) Nelson Hathaway Seaver, Jr.; b. in Boston, Mar. 25, 1919;

        2. Priscilla York Seaver; b. in Boston, Aug. 19, 1922;

        3. Norman Johnson Seaver; b. in Medford, May 14, 1928; resides, 46 Dartmouth street, Somerville.

      3. Martha Preble Jones; b. in Boston, Mar. 13, 1916. William Preble Jones is probation officer, Somerville District Court; former newspaper editor; chairman Local Draft Board 1917-1919; resides at 13 Maple avenue, Somerville.

    3. Arthur Eveleth Jones; b. Somerville, Mass., Apr. 24, 1871; m. Harriet Gertrude Andrews, July 19, 1898, daughter of Seth Andrews and Harriett Jones Andrews; lives at 196 Jackson street, Lawrence; has one son

      1. Arthur Sewell Jones; b. Whitman, Mass., Sept. 11, 1899. Arthur E. Jones is president of the Treat Hardware Company of Lawrence, Mass. His son, a graduate of Amherst College in 1922, is employed by the New England Telephone and Telegraph Company at Worcester as district traffic superintendent; address, 115 Pleasant street, Worcester.

  2. Edward Perkins Preble; b. Boston, Jan. 22, 1845; served in the navy and army in Civil War, and at time of death was Assistant Adjutant-General, Mass. G. A. R.; d. Wilmington, Mass., May 26, 1906; m. Marcia A. Alexander, of Boston, Sept. 15, 1868; she died at Woburn, July 28, 1919; had three sons:

    1. Edward Alexander Preble; b. Somerville, June 11, 1871; m. Eva August Lynham at Washington, D. C., Dec. 29, 1896. She was b. at Richmond, Va., daughter of John Andrew Lynham and Elizabeth Catharine (Hardwick). He is biologist in U. S. Department of Agriculture. Residence, 3027 Newark street, Cleveland Park, N. W., Washington, D. C.; had three children;

      1. Dorothy Marcia Preble; b. Washington, Nov. 26, 1897; d. November 28, 1897.

      2. Marjorie Elizabeth Preble; b. Washington, Oct. 12, 1900; m. Maurice Anson Thorne, Oct. 1, 1924, son of William Bennett Thorne and Elizabeth Carrier Thorne, has two children:

        1. Stephen Lee Thorne; b. in South Bend, Ind., Nov. 13, 1926;

        2. Elizabeth Hardwick Thorne, b. in South Bend, June 27, 1928; live at 409 Peashway street, South Bend.

      3. Evelyn Morgan Preble; b. Washington, Nov. 25, 1905; m. William Francis Walter, Jr., son of William Francis Walter, M. D., and Loretto Buckley Walter, of Washington, June 24, 1925; has one son

        1. Edward Preble Walter, b. Aug. 26, 1926, in Washington; lives at 3027 Newark street, Washington.

    2. Harry Allan Preble; b. Wilmington, Mass., Dec. 4, 1873; m. August 31, 1898, Mary Belle Curtis, of Woburn, Mass. Children:

      1. Clarence Edward Preble; b. at Medford, Mass., Sept. 17, 1899; m. Jennie Erickson, of Woburn, June 6, 1923; has one son

        1. William Edward Preble, b. May 6, 1926; resides at Glen Ridge, N. J.;

      2. Allan Curtis Preble; b. at Woburn, Jan. 18, 1905;

      3. Donald Frederick Preble; b. at Woburn, Oct. 2, 1910;

      4. Kenneth Lawrence Preble; b. at Woburn, Jan. 7, 1919. Family residence, 7 Newbridge avenue, Woburn.

    3. Alfred Emerson Preble; b. Wilmington, Mass., Aug. 11, 1880; m. Sept. 5, 1906, Edith May Snelling at Wilmington; had three children:

      1. Zenaida; b. Portsmouth, N. H., Oct. 19, 1907; died at Springfield, June, 1911;

      2. Norman Preble; b. Springfield, May 10, 1911;

      3. Grethel Preble, b. Somerville, Nov. 26, 1920; resides at 73 Prospect street, Wakefield, Mass., where he is teacher of science in the local high school.

  3. Sarah Abigail Preble; b. Jan. 12, 1848; m. William P. Hill, Sept. 17, 1867. She d. at Somerville, Mar. 4, 1916; he d. at Somerville, July 5, 1912.

    1. Willard Converse Hill; b. at Melrose, Mass., June 7, 1868; m. Clara A. Laycock, of Somerville, June 7, 1893. Children:

      1. Converse Hill; b. Somerville Apr. 26, 1895; was in ambulance service in France during World War; m. Audrey Broderick Bolton, of Newton, Sept. 22, 1923; had two children:

        1. Shirley Bolton Hill; b. June 12, 1925;

        2. Converse Hill, 3rd; b. Aug. 9, 1927; d. Aug. 10, 1927.

      2. Stanley Hill; b. Somerville, Dec. 18, 1896; wounded in July, 1918, while in the ambulance service on the French front during the World War, and d. Aug. 14, 1918; buried in France. Was awarded his Dartmouth A.B. degree while in France; received Croix de Guerre and Medaille Militaire; American Legion Post in Lexington named in his honor.

      3. Edith Dorothea; b. Somerville, Nov. 12, 1901; m. Winthrop Harold Bowker, of Brookline, June 14, 1928. Willard C. Hill and son, Converse, are in the insurance firm of Elmer A. Lord & Co., 145 Milk street, Boston; family residences in Lexington.

    2. Edith Lillian Hill; b. Melrose, Mass., May 14, 1870; d. Somerville, July 2, 1880.

    3. Allen Philip Hill; b. Somerville, Dec. 16, 1881; m. Cora Jane Garland, June 28, 1919; had two children:

      1. William David Hill; b. Aug. 20, 1920;

      2. Sarah Augusta Hill; b. Feb. 27, 1922; d. March 13, 1922. Residence, 7 Euston street, Brookline.

  4. Mary Louisa Preble; b. Boston, Jan. 31, 1850; d. Boston, July 8, 1857.

  5. Lydia True Preble; b. Boston, June 14, 1852; m. Ezra D. Souther, Nov. 28, 1872. He died in Somerville, Feb. 16, 1898. She died in Somerville, Nov. 23, 1921.

    1. Allan Bartlett Souther; b. Somerville, Nov. 9, 1873; m. Jennie Mae Coleman, of New Oxford, Pa., Dec. 3, 1903; resides at Early Heights, Anne Arundel Co., Md. For many years past he has been an instructor in the engineering department of the Baltimore Polytechnic Institute.

    2. Blanche May Souther; b. Somerville, July 12, 1876; m. Everett Laurens Way, of Chelsea, Feb. 1, 1899. Children:

    3. Katharine Souther Way; b. Somerville, Dec. 16, 1899; d. December 20, 1899;

    4. Robert Souther Way; b. Somerville, May 25, 1903;

    5. Esther Preble Way; b. Somerville, Sept. 28, 1907. Residence, 14 Pembroke street, Somerville.

  6. Harriet Isabella Preble; b. Boston, Nov. 13, 1854; m. Charles A. Keyes, of Somerville, May 15, 1878.

    1. Ralph Preble Keyes; b. Somerville, Dec. 16, 1879.

    2. Bertha Eveleth Keyes; b. Somerville, Sept. 27, 1881.

    3. Louis Gosnold Keyes; b. Somerville, Oct. 7, 1883; m. Nov. 15, 1905, Carrie Munroe Whiting, of Cambridge. Children:

      1. Russell Preble Keyes; b. at Cambridge, May 17, 1907; m. Mary Elizabeth Stetson, Nov. 23, 1928, and resides in Egypt, Mass.;

      2. Winsor Whiting Keyes; b. Apr. 25, 1909;

      3. Edith Madeline Keyes; b. March 15, 1912. Family residence, 66 Nashua street, Woburn.

    4. Richard Amos Keyes; b. Somerville, Feb. 2, 1888; m. Carrie Alfield Nelson, of Somerville, Sept. 11, 1915; has three children:

      1. Ruth Martha Keyes; b. Oct. 6, 1916;

      2. Dorothy Bertha Keyes; b. Oct. 1, 1918;

      3. Marilyn Sara Keyes; b. June 22, 1925; all the children were born at the Symmes Hospital in Arlington, Mass. Richard A. Keyes is clerk of committees, Somerville City Hall; residence, 343 Alewife Brook Parkway, Somerville.

  7. Frederick Allen Preble; b. Boston, June 6, 1857; m. Helen Etta Stillson, Oct. 6, 1880, daughter of Daniel C. and Eleanor Stillson. Mr. Stillson was the inventor of the famous Stillson wrench known all over the world. They had three children. Family residence, 55 Tennyson street, Somerville.

    1. Frederick Stillson Preble; b. Somerville, Nov. 11, 1881; d. Dec. 31, 1887.

    2. Robert Allen Preble; b. Somerville, Nov. 6, 1884; d. Jan. 4, 1888.

    3. Eleanor Chapman Preble; b. Somerville, Apr. 4, 1889. Eleanor is a teacher in the Boston public schools.

  8. Caroline Eveleth Preble; b. Boston, Aug. 9, 1859; m. Milo R. Whitaker, of Somerville (b. 1857), Nov. 29, 1883; has three children; family residence at Norton, Mass.

    1. Sarah Bartlett Whitaker; b. Somerville, Sept. 6, 1884. She is principal of the Northampton School for Girls at Northampton, Mass.

    2. Joseph Wood Whitaker; b. Somerville, Nov. 27, 1885; m. Lena Margretta Cobb at Forest Hills, Boston, June 7, 1910; has two children:

      1. Martha Hathaway Whitaker; b. March 5, 1911, and

      2. Joseph Wood Whitaker, Jr.; b. May 15, 1917; both born in hospital at Jamaica Plain; residence at Norton.

    3. Helen Hathaway Whitaker; b. Somerville, January 29, 1894; married Philip Ambrose Gavin, at Norton, June 28, 1919; has three daughters,

      1. Phyllis Whitaker Gavin; b. in Taunton, March 26, 1920;

      2. Sarah Catherine Gavin; b. in Taunton, July 27, 1922;

      3. Mary Helen Gavin; b. in Norton, April 23, 1926, residence at Norton.



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