John Lambert Genealogy
77. JOHN LAMBERT, born in 1773, was drowned in Salem harbor Oct.
19, 1813. He married Oct. 9, 1792, Betsy (perhaps the daughter Elizabeth), born
Feb. 1,1773, of Charles and Elizabeth Leach. He was of Salem in 1800, a mariner,
and was admitted to the Essex Lodge of Freemasons, July 7, 1808. His widow
married, second, (int.) Dec. 23, 1815, Isaac Hacker.
John Lambert, supposed to have been this John, was master of the following
vessels: " Roboreus ", "Spring Bird", dates unknown, schooner ,Success", 1806, "
Mary & Allen ", brigantine, 1807, " Thomas ", schooner, 1809, " Anna ", brig,
1806, " John ", schooner, 1809. He bought, Mar. 20, 1804, of John Francis of
Beverly, administrator of the estate of Jonathan Hartshorne of Salem, land and
house on Lynn [sic] street, for $1201, which Hartshorne had bought of William
Administration of his estate was granted to John Punchard, July 19, 1814. The
inventory, which included a house and land valued at $1200 and a pew in Dr.
Worcester's meeting house, was taken Oct. 17, 1814.
It seems possible that John and his wife may have lived in Manchester for a
time, as there is recorded there the birth of John, the son of John and
Elizabeth Lambert, and the Leach family were numerous there.
97. JOHN(?), b. Feb. 8, 1793.
98. HENRY, Dec., 1805.
Parents: Jonathan
Lambert Genealogy