Sergt. Jonathan Jones GenealogySergt. Jonathan4 Jones (Jonathan3 Hugh2 Hugh1). Born in Dracut, July 23, 1750. Lived in his native town until about 1790, and then removed into the wilderness of Reading, Vermont, where he built a log cabin and resided until his death, September 18, 1836. He was a man of powerful physique, and great vitality and courage. During the Revolution he performed protracted service in several campaigns. He marched on the Lexington alarm, April 19, 1775; was in the battle of Bunker Hill, and served around Boston the rest of the year. in 1776 took part in the battle of White Plains and the operations around New York, under General Washington; served as sergeant in Capt. Varnum's company from September 29 to November 7, 1777; in the Saratoga Campaign and was present at Burgoyne's surrender. Later he continued in the service, served during the siege of Yorktown and was present at Cornwallis' surrender. He married first, July 29, 1776, Susanna, born February 22, 1749-50, daughter of Kendall and Mary Parker of Dracut, who died soon after. Married second, December 25, 1775, Bethea, born November 7, 1751, daughter of Capt. Benjamin and Bethea (Herrick) Fletcher of Westford; and married third, May 31, 1785, Abigail, born in 1753, died July 4, 1829, daughter of Ephraim and (Whittemore) Wright of Westford. CHILDREN BY SECOND MARRIAGE
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