Samuel Jones Genealogy
Samuel4 Jones (Nathaniel3 Hugh2
Hugh1) was born in
Dracut July 17, 1753. He inherited part of his father's estate and lived there
until his death, November 20, 1814. He was a soldier in the Revolution, serving
in Capt. Stephen Russell's company on the Lexington alarm, April 19, 1775 and
soon after enlisting in the Continental army and serving in Capt. Peter Coburn
's company in the operations around Boston during the rest of the year. He died
intestate, and some years after his decease his widow petitioned, on April 5,
1828, for a setting off of her rights in his estate, which was granted three
days later.
He married December 6, 1777. Mary Danforth, who died August 24,
1. Levi, born May 1, 1778; lived on his father's place in
Dracut where he died intestate, July 13, 1827, and on October 2, 1827, B. F.
Varnum of Dracut was appointed administrator of his estate. He married
February 5, 1801, Sarah Currier of Pelham, New Hampshire.
Levi, Sarah, Worthy, Warner, Joseph, Mary, Lydia, Mary,
2. Phineas, born August 6, 1779, lived in Dracut and died
February 12, 1834. He married December 16, 1802, Rhoda, born May 25, 1784,
daughter of David and Deborah (Harris) Trull of Dracut.
Phineas, Almora, Paulina, Mary, Frances, Augusta, Orren,
William, Phineas, Henry.
3. Mary, born February 28, 1781. Married July 2, 1801, Simon,
born December 3, 1776, son of Eliphalet and Elizabeth (Russell) Fox of Dracut.
They had eight children.
4. Lydia (twin) born September 22, 1783. Married November 25, 1802, Elizah,
born March 11, 1779, son of Elizah and Sarah (Eames) Flint of Reading. After
the births of two children in Dracut, they removed to Pembroke, New York.
5. Susanna (twin), born September 22, 1753, died July 17, 1838. Married
February 14, 1804, Simeon, born February 12, 1783, died May 28, 1848, where he
was some time postmaster. They had eleven children.