Thomas Hooke of Maryland
There seems to be at least two families by the name of Hook in
the United States today, whose emigrant ancestors reached the shores of America
before the year 1700. One of these descended from William Hooke, second son of
Humphrey Hooke, Alderman of Bristol, England, who came to Kittery, Maine, in
1633. The other descended from Thomas Hooke, who came to Maryland in April,
1668, and settled near Providence, now the city of Annapolis. Several others of
the name of Hooke came to America during the seventeenth century, but the writer
has not been able to prove that any one of them became progenitors of a family
that endured to the present time.
No definite relationship between William Hooke of Kittery, Maine, and Thomas
Hooke of Providence, Maryland, has been established, although both seem to have
descended from common ancestors. Both William and Thomas were common names in
the family in England which originally settled in the southern part of England,
near London, at the time of the Norman Conquest. The family from which William
descended stood very high in the community of Bristol. The family of Thomas,
according to family tradition, was one of small freeholders residing to the west
of London in the County of Middlesex, but closely related to the Hooke family in
London and County Surrey. To this day the tradition persists independently and
in widely parted branches of the family that Thomas was heir to a large fortune
in England.
William Hooke who came to Kittery, Maine, to look after the Agamenticus patent
of his father, Sir Humphrey, and his brother, Thomas Hooke, of Bristol, England,
became one of the early governors of the Maine territory. For a time in later
life he lived in Salisbury, Massachusetts, and his descendants are found to-day
in many parts of the United States and Canada.
After 170o a number of Hooke immigrants found their way to America. One of these
was Robert Hooke who with his wife Jean and son William proved their importation
on May 22, 1740. They came from northern Ireland at the time of the great
ScotchIrish emigration and landed in Philadelphia. They settled in Augusta, now
Rockingham County, Virginia, near Cross Keys where they patented land in 1741
and became progenitors of a large family whose descendants are now living in all
parts of the United States.
In the middle of the eighteenth century a number of families named Houk, Hok,
Hoock and Hoak, later Hook, came to America from Germany and Holland. For the
most part they settled in Pennsylvania and Maryland where some of the
descendants still live. Other descendants of these families moved west into
Ohio, Illinois, Indiana and Missouri.
The emigrants from England and Ireland spelled the name with the final "e" but
the latter was gradually dropped by succeeding generations until now only a few
families, principally those which descended from Robert, cling to the original
spelling. This is to be regretted as the final "e" ties the family to its
English and French origin and should be preserved by practically all who can
trace their ancestry to the British Isles.
There is little doubt but that the immigrants who came from England and spelled
the name with the final "e" descended from common ancestors. The family was
scattered throughout the British Islands and was one of standing in many
communities. There is a striking resemblance, to this day, in the stature, voice
and general facial characteristics of the descendants of the three principal
immigrant ancestors above mentioned.
The record of any family is so thoroughly intertwined with the history of the
community in which it settled and lived, that it is important that some
historical facts be restated in order that a family record be understandable and
clear. Maryland was the colony that claimed Thomas Hooke, the immigrant ancestor
of the American Family of Hook, which this book records.
Maryland was settled for the most part by the same classes of English people as
her neighbor Virginia. These were the planters, redemptioners, white servants
and black slaves. The planters paid for their passage from England and were
granted tracts of land of various sizes depending upon the will of the Lord
Proprietor and upon the number of able-bodied settlers that they brought into
the colony. The redemptioners were those settlers, usually young unmarried males
of good families, who contracted with ship masters or merchants or large
planters, for passage to America, agreeing in return to labor on their
transporters' plantations until their passage obligations should be discharged.
The white servants came from a variety of sources in England. Many of them were
the persecuted members of the higher gentry, and from this they graded down to
criminals and renegades of the slums that were banished by the English
government. The black slaves, as the name implies, were the colored element that
was imported from Africa.
The first settlement in Maryland was made by Leonard Calvert, brother of
Cecilius the Lord Proprietor, and about two hundred colonists who sailed from
Gravesend, England, in two ships, the "Ark" and the "Dove," and arrived in lower
Maryland late in March, 1634. The Calverts were Catholic in their religious
faith and many of the early settlers were also of that faith. In 1649 a group of
persecuted Puritans from Virginia were offered an asylum in Maryland by the
tolerant Cecilius. They settled on the west shore of Chesapeake Bay at the mouth
of the Severn River where they founded the village of Providence, now the city
of Annapolis. This settlement was the beginning of a Puritan migration to
Maryland that assumed such proportions that by 1690 over seventy-five percent of
the population was of that faith. In 1692, however, the face of things was
changed by William and Mary who proclaimed the English Church the established
religion in the colony. (See "Old Virginia and Her Neighbors" by John Fiske.)
Thomas Hooke was born near London, England, about 1645 to 1650 and died in
Prince George County, Maryland, late in 1697 or early in 1698. He came to
Maryland on the ship "Goulden Wheat Sheaf" of London in April, 1668. He was
bound to Captain James Connaway, merchant of Ratcliffe, County of Middlesex, and
the Master of the "Goulden Wheat Sheaf" whom tradition says was his uncle, until
he had paid for his passage. As a part of his passage pay he relinquished his
right to fifty acres of land that Lord Baltimore was then giving to all settlers
who settled within his domains. Fifty others came on the same ship with Thomas
and the land to which they were entitled was granted to Captain Connaway in one
tract on the northern bank of the Severn River directly north of what is now the
city of Annapolis. Here Thomas Hooke lived and labored. How long was required
for him to become a freeman is not known, but old records left by Captain
Connaway, wherein he stated as early as August of the year 1668 that he had used
his rights so far as Thomas Hooke and two others were concerned, leads one to
believe that these three had been transported on some special terms not accorded
the others. Unfortunately, many old Maryland records were lost or destroyed
during the revolution of 1688 when the Capitol of the colony was removed from
St. Marys to what is now Annapolis so that much of the personal history of the
early settlers is undoubtedly missing. The Archives of Maryland, however,
mentions` Thomas Hooke as a taxable freeman in 1677 when he was assessed thirty
pounds of tobacco to help pay the expenses of the colonies' expedition against
the Nanticote Indians. He was the only person in the colony by the name of Hooke
who was assessed. In 1681 he was again assessed by the General Assembly of
Maryland for thirty pounds of tobacco to help pay expenses incurred for the
"Public Good." At this time there was another Hooke in the colony whose name was
on the tax lists. He was Jeremiah Hooke who came to Maryland as an immigrant in
June, 1670.
Somewhere about 1680, Thomas Hooke moved to what is now Prince George County and
lived on leased land not far from the present site of Laurel. Here he made his
will on September 23d, 1697, and left his property to sons James and Thomas with
the provision that both sons remain with their mother, "until they be on and
twenty years of Eage." The full text of the will as recorded in Liber I, page 4,
Upper Marlboro, Maryland, is as follows
"The last Will and Testament of Thomas Hooke of Prince George County, Province
of Maryland.
"In the name of God Amen, first I bequeath my soul to God who gave it and my
body to the ground and after my funeral charges is paid all my debts yt can be
made hinistly apps I bequeath as followeth-My will is that my sonn James Hook
and my sunn Thomas Hook shall remain with their mother until they be on and
twenty years of Eage and if please God, my wife should dy the shall booth be at
Eage and at their own disposing, Itam I give to my sunn James my cow betey and
all her female increase and to my sunn Thomas I give my cow Pritey and all her
female increase and the rest of my good and Chattele I leave to my wyfs
disposing. This is my will in witness whereof I have unto put my hand and Seall
this 23rd day of September 1697."
Wittnesses- Henry Dryden
Robert Bigg Signed Thomas Hook Joseph Harrison
It is to be said that Thomas signed his will with a mark and
that the final "e" was omitted. All the early records used the final letter and
his wife Annaple who signed the administration bond on May 26, 1698, in her own
hand, wrote the name Hooke. Undoubtedly the person who wrote the will carelessly
omitted the final letter. Succeeding generations, however, almost universally
used the simpler spelling.
The inventory of the estate, which listed among other things, a crop of tobacco,
three cows and calves, one barron cow, three horses and one yearling, one mare,
eight head of hogs, one spinning wheel, one pad, saddle and bridle, money and
household utensials, was appraised by Joseph Harrison and James Watts on the 8th
of June, 1699, and signed by them. The administrators of the estate were John
Wright and "his wife Annaple" and they appeared and swore to the inventory, July
24, 1699. It is quite evident, therefore, that Annaple Hooke married John Wright
some time between May 26, 1698, and July 24, 1699.
Thomas Hooke, undoubtedly, was an adherent of the English Church from his first
appearance in Maryland. While there are no records to prove this, it is known
that his son James and his grandchildren James and John were active members in
that denomination. The family in England, for the most part, remained loyal to
the established church. Some, however, became militant Puritans and after the
fall of the Commonwealth were obliged to seek aid and protection from their
loyal kin, who always stood well with Parliament, to avoid persecution.
Thomas Hooke, Jr., son of Thomas and Annaple Hooke, seems to have dropped out of
sight altogether. The son James Hook
first entered the records of Prince George County in 1708. On November 17 of
that year, according to the Queen Anne Parish records, Mary Hook, daughter of
James and Margaret Hook, was born.