Minnelay Ancestry
Mynne Johannes (Minnelia) m. Rensje Feddans
Albert Minnes m. Meinsje Jans
Aeltje Minnes m. William Campbell
Mensje Campbell m. Roelof
Albert Stephens m. Grietje
Van Houten
Catherine Stephens m. Daniel
Frances Hawkhurst m. Elijah Horton
Emma Teresa Cronk m. George Bartlett
Minnie Lenora Hoffman m. John Schmieg
Florence Bell Schmieg m. Stanley Spartan Tumbridge
1. Mynne Johannes (known also as Minnes Johannes
Mineola-Minnelay-Minnelia) emigrated from Friesland in the Netherlands in
September, 1663, with his wife, Rensje Feddans, four young children, his
servant, and his wife's sister. When his wife died is not positively known, but
in the list of members of the Reformed Dutch Church in Flatbush, she is listed
with her husband in 1677 and the note, "Removed to Haverstraw" is against their
names, and in the church records under date May 9, 1684, he, as from Haverstraw,
paid twelve guilders for a middle grave, probably for his wife. The same church
records his betrothal on April 1, 1689 as follows : "Minne Johannes, Minnelia,
residing at Haverstraw, widower of Renssie Fedder and Magdalena Henrixe, widow
of Cornelis Vock, and residing at Flackebos." He died before or in 1693, for
during that year she married Agyas Van Dyck.
Mynne Johannes resided in New Lots in 1675, but in 1676, 1677 and 1679, he
served as Constable in Flatbush. On January 5, 1675, he purchased at an auction
the house and lot of Claes Claesen Smit in New Utrecht, which he sold December
17, 1677, to Jan Verkerk; and on February 3, 1680, he sold his farm in New Lots
to William Morris.
On May 4, 1684, he petitioned for license to buy 3,000 acres behind his farm at
Haverstraw, and on March 12, 1685, he was commissioned as High Sheriff of Orange
County, N. Y.; March 12, 1684, he was instructed "to repair to Minnesink, to
inspect the lands and ascertain what are fit for settlement." October 4, 1686,
he was again commissioned as High Sheriff of Orange County, and on December 20,
1692, "Stephanus Van Cortland applied for Letters of Administration on the
estate of Minne Johannes, late of Orange County."
Issue: Jannetje Minnes, Albert Minnes, Grietje Minnes, the fourth child probably
being the young man who was buried in the Flatbush Church in 1669.
2. Albert Minnes or Minnelay, son of Mynne and Rensje (Feddans) Johannes, was
born in the Netherlands and came to New Amsterdam with his parents in September,
1663. On March 28, 1667, he was old enough to be named in Governor Andros's
patent of lands in New Lots. In July, 1681, he was given a certificate from the
Flatbush Church to "Esopis." The Flatbush Church records his betrothal and
marriage as follows: "Betrothed, October 18, 1684, Albert Minnes, young man, and
Meinsje jans, young dame, from Vriesland, residing in New Amersfoort married in
N. Amersfoort, November 9, 1684." He was appointed justice of the Peace in
Tappan, April 28, 1704. (Liber A of Deeds at Goshen, N. Y., p. 45.)
Issue, probably not complete: Rensje, baptized in the Dutch Church in Brooklyn,
N. Y., October 30, 1692; Aeltje, baptized in the Dutch Church in Tappan, N. Y.,
July 15, 1697; Albert, baptized in the Dutch Church in Cortlandtown, October 26,
1703; Antje, in same place, August 13, 1706.
3. Aeltje Minnes or Minnelay, daughter of Albert and Meinsje (Jans) Minnes, was
born in Haverstraw, N. Y., and baptized in the Dutch Church in Tappan, July 15,
1697, where her marriage is recorded as taking place April 17, 1717, to William
Campbell, born in the Isle of Man. He died June 7, 1760, and she August 10,
See Campbell.
Fees, Deaths, Members, Reformed Dutch Church, Flatbush, L. I.,
pp. 18, 24, 46, 56; Marriages, Vol. 1, pp. 23, 31;
Calendar of Historical Manuscripts, Part II, pp. 131, 143,
147, 231;
Early Settlers of Kings County, N. Y., p. 167, 207.
Dutch Baptisms and Marriages at Tappan, N. Y.;
Dutch Burial Ground, Tappan, N. Y.
Tappan Dutch Baptisms, p. 3;
Cortlandtown Dutch Records, pp. 20, 23;
Kings County Historical Society Collections, p. 72.