Bogert Genealogy


Bogert Ancestry

Jan Louwe Bogert m. Cornelia Everts
Grietje Bogert m. Pieter Janszen Haring
Grietje Haring m. Claes Van Houten
Roelof Van Houten m. Catherine Nagel
Grietie Van Houten m. Albert Stephens
Catherine Stephens m. Daniel Hawkhurst
Frances Hawkhurst m. Elijah Horton Cronk
Emma Teresa Cronk m. George Bartlett Hoffman
Minnie Lenora Hoffman m. John Schmieg
Florence Bell Schmieg m. Stanley Spartan Tumbridge

1. Jan Louwe Bogert, from the village of Schoonderwoerd, two miles north of Leerdam, Holland, proceeded to Amsterdam and with others embarked, April 16, 1663, on the ship Brindled Cow for the new world, and located in Bedford, L. I., where he owned a farm and spent nine years of his life, before removing to Harlem, where in 1672 he purchased part of the Montanye Farm. In 1675 he was chosen Magistrate and again in 1676. He married, in Holland, Cornelia Everts and on November 30, 1676, they were received in New York as members of the Harlem Church. On September 21, 1706, he sold his farm to Johannes Benson and with his wife united with the Dutch Church in New York, May 27, 1707.

Issue: Peter, Gysbert, Claes, Johannes, Johannes, Elizabeth, Catherine, Margaret, Jenneke, Cornelia.

2. Grietje (Margaret) Bogert, daughter of Jan Louwe and Cornelia (Everts) Bogert, married December 4, 1687, at New Harlem, as a young woman of Bedford, Pieter Janszen Haring, a young man of New York, residing in Tappan. The marriage is recorded in the Dutch Church of New York, p. 63.

See Haring Ancestry


  • History of Harlem, N. Y., pp. 97, 274, 447, 448.



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