Thomas Carpenter Genealogy
Descendants of Thomas Carpenter, of Carpenter's Landing, N. J.,
(son of Preston, whose only son Edward married Sarah Stratton.)
DESCENT.- Samuel (1),
Samuel (2),
Preston, Thomas, Edward.
1. Edward Carpenter, son of Thomas Carpenter, of Carpenter Landing, N. J., and a
lineal descendant of the fifth generation of
Samuel Carpenter, Sen'r,
of Philadelphia. Treasurer of the Province of Pennsylvania, Member of the
Provincial Assembly, Commissioner of Gov. Penn during his absence in England,
etc. Married Sarah, daughter of James Stratton, M.D, of Swedesborough,
Gloucester, County, New Jersey.
Thomas Carpenter, the father of Edward above-named, although born and educated a
Quaker, served as an officer in the New Jersey line during the Revolution of
1776, holding the rank of Paymaster and Commissary. He was present at the
battles of Assanpink and Princeton, and the companion of Gen'l Mercer the night
before the battle in which the latter was killed. (MSS. of J. E. C.) He was at
Bed Bank immediately after the close of the battle, and aided in taking care of
the wounded Hessian General Count Dunop.
Washington was greatly indebted to Commissary Carpenter for the subsistence of
his army while in winter quarters at Morristown, New Jersey. Provisions and
forage were chiefly drawn from South Jersey on sledges during that eventful
period by Commissary Carpenter, escorted by a body of dragoons. He collected the
supplies mostly from the counties of Gloucester, Salem and Cumberland. (MSS. J.
E. C.)
Edward Carpenter married Sarah Stratton Sept. 5, 1799. He resided at Glassboro,
New Jersey, where he succeeded to his father's interest in the Glass Works, now
(1879) owned by T. H Whitney & Bros., which he retained until his death, March
13, 1813. His widow survived until February 12, 1852. Upon her devolved the task
of educating her five children. She inherited the fine qualities of her father,
Dr. James Stratton. She was a strict disciplinarian, an exemplary Christian, and
possessed great strength of character.
After her husband's demise, she removed with her family to Woodbury, and
subsequently to Carpenter's Landing, where she remained at the head of her
father-in-law's house until he died, in 1847, when the mansion was sold.
The remainder of her life was divided among her children.. She died at the
residence of her son, Edward Carpenter, in Philadelphia, and was buried with her
husband in the old graveyard, Trinity Church, Swedesborough. Their children
were, 1. Thomas Preston Carpenter, born April 19, 1804; married, Nov. 19, 1839,
Rebecca Hopkins, daughter of Samuel Hopkins, M.D.
He received a liberal education and was admitted to the Bar of New Jersey, where
he attained deservedly. high eminence.
He was appointed Justice of the Supreme Court of New Jersey during Geo.
Stratton's official term. At the dose of his official term, Judge Carpenter
removed to Camden, where he continued in the practice of his profession until
his demise, March 2d, 1876. Judge Carpenter was a prominent member of the
Episcopal Church, and for many years represented the Diocese in which he lived
as a Delegate to the General Convention. He was noted for many accomplishments,
genial manners and pleasing address. His wife survives him (1879). Their
1. Susan Mary Carpenter, born Aug. 4, 1840.
2. Anna Stratton Carpenter, born June 10th, 1843; died Dec. 13, 1869.
3. Thomas Preston Carpenter, born Sept. 23, 1846; died Aug. 25, 1848.
4. James Hopkins Carpenter, born Nov. 18, 1849.
2. Mary Tonkin Carpenter, second child of Edward and Sarah
Carpenter, born Sept. 14, 1805; married, March 24, 1830, Richard W. Howell, of
Camden, N. J., a lawyer of ability and eminence. He was the son of Col. Howell,
of "Fancy Hill" Richard W. Howell died Aug. 12th, 1859, and was interred in the
cemetery at Camden.
Mrs. Howell still survives (1879). Her children are:
1. John Pascall Howell, born. 1831, died 1842.
2. Edward Carpenter Howell, born 1833, died 1834.
3. Samuel Bedell Howell, born 1834; "married Maria Neill and has several
4. Charles Stratton Howell, born 1837 (unmarried).
5. Richard H. O. Howell, born 1840, died 1850.
6. Joshua Ladd Howell, born 1842; married Mary E. Savage, and has a child.
7. Thomas James Howell, born Oct. 10, 1844; killed in battle of "Gaines Mills,
" 'Virginia, June 27, 1862. He was Lieutenant in Company I; went through all
the fight uninjured, and acted with great bravery. But after his regiment came
out of the woods and was forming to cross the bridge, he was struck by a
chance and nearly spent cannon ball, which went clear through him, killing him
instantly. The Lieutenant was in his eighteenth year, and a talented and
worthy young man. (New Jersey and the Rebellion.)
8. Anna Howell, born Sept. 12, 1846; married Malcom Lloyd, Esq., and has
9. Francis Lee Howell, born 1849, died 1872.
10. Sarah Carpenter Howell, born 1850, died 1850.
3. James Stratton Carpenter, third child of Edward and Sarah
Carpenter, born October 14, 1807; married, Oct. 12, 1832, Camilla Julia
Sanderson, daughter of John Sanderson, Esq.
He graduated at the University of Penna., where he took the degree of M.D. He
visited Europe and continued his medical education in Paris.
Returning home in 1839, he established himself at Pottsville, Penna., then but
recently settled, where he continued in the practice of his profession until his
decease, Jan. 31, 1872.
His reputation as a skillful physician and surgeon was not confined to his
immediate neighborhood, but he was frequently called for consultation to distant
sections of the country. His social qualities and great hospitality created for
him many warm friendships. He was interred at Pottsville. His widow yet survives
(1879). Their children:
1. John Thomas Carpenter, born 1833; married, 1855, Eliza
Hill, daughter of Charles M. Hill, Esq., of Pottsville. They have four
He graduated L.B. with first honor, at University of Penna., 1852; took the
degree of A.M. in the same University, 1855. He also graduated M.D., Medical
Department, same University, -in 1852. Re served with great distinction in the
Union Army, having been appointed Surgeon by the Governor of Pennsylvania at
the outbreak of the Rebellion, April 30, 1861. He was attached to the 34th
Regt. of Infantry, Penna. Reserves, June 6th, 1861; Medical Director of Gen.
McCook's Brigade, Army of West Virginia, Oct. 14, 1861; Medical Director in
charge of General Hospitals, Cumberland, Maryland, March, 1862; Medical
Director of Mountain Department, Wheeling, Va., May 10, 1862; in charge of
General Hospitals, Cincinnati, Ohio, Aug. 25, 1862: Medical Director,
Department of Ohio, Dec., 1863; Medical Director and Superintendent of
Hospitals, District of Columbia. March 19, 1864; President of Army Medical
Board, Cincinnati, May, 1863.
He resides (1899) at Pottsville.
2. Sarah Stratton Carpenter, born June 14, 1835; married Rev. Daniel Washburn,
Jan. 27, 1854. He is now Rector of Episcopal Church, Ashland, Pa., and has
3. Sophia Carre Carpenter, born Nov. 11, 1837.
4. Caroline Maria Carpenter, born Dec. 18, 1840.
5. James Edward Carpenter, born Sept. 29, 1843, died Jan., 1845.
6. Preston Carpenter, born Sept. 29, 1843; married gate, daughter of Edward
Wheeler, of Pottsville. He had two children. He served in the Union Army
during a portion of the war of the Rebellion, attached to the Signal Corps. He
married, secondly, a sister of his first wife, the widow of William Parry,
late of Pottsville.
7. Camilla Carpenter, born June 10, 1851.
8. Mary Howell Carpenter, born Nov. 17, 1856.
9. Richard Howell Carpenter, born March 2, 1858.
4. Samuel Tonkin Carpenter, fourth child of Edward and Sarah
Carpenter, born Nov. 28, 1810; married, May, 26, 1841, Francis Champlain, of
Derby, Connecticut, who died Jany 4, 1845. Married, secondly, Emily Thompson, of
Wilmington, Delaware. He was a clergyman of the Episcopal Church, and settled
for some years in Connecticut. Afterward he became rector of the Episcopal
Church at Smyrna, Delaware, where he remained many years.
He also had other charges. Subsequently he became chaplain in the army. He died
Dec. 26, 1864, and was interred in the new graveyard, Trinity Church,
Swedesborough. His second wife survives him and resides at Joliet, Illinois.
Children by his first wife:
1. Samuel Champlain Blakeslee Carpenter, born Nov. 10, 1842;
died Sept. 28, 1871. He served with credit in the Union Army during the war of
the Rebellion.
2. Frances Mary Carpenter, born July 21, 1844.
Children by second wife:
1. Herbert Dewey Carpenter, born June 2, 1853.
2. Florence Carpenter, born June 2, 1853.
3. Horace Thompson Carpenter, born Oct. 10, 1852.
4. Richard Howell Carpenter, born Dec. 21, 1861.
5. Lewis Tonkin Chatfield Carpenter, born Nov. 17, 1864.
5. Edward Carpenter, fifth child of Edward and Sarah Carpenter,
born May 17, 1813; married, Nov. 16, 1837, Anna M., daughter of Benjamin M.
Howey, of "Pleasant Meadows, " Gloucester County, N. J. After his marriage he
resided a short time in Glassborough, N. J., and subsequently for a few years in
gent County, Maryland. He removed to Philadelphia, in 1843, where (with a short
interval) he has since resided. He studied law, but turned his attention more
particularly to the real estate branch of the profession.
He enjoyed an excellent reputation as a scientific conveyancer, and his work
bears a professional value second to none in Philadelphia.
He is a prominent member of the Episcopal Church, and was one of the founders of
the Church of the Mediator, in Philadelphia. He and his wife both survive. Their
children are:
1. Lewis Henry Carpenter, born Feb. 11, 1839 (unmarried).
Captain 10th U. S. Cavalry, Brevet-Col. U. S. Army, now (1879) on duty in
Texas. He served in the cavalry of the Army of the Potomac, during the war for
the Union, entering the service as private in the 6th U. S. Cavalry. He
received every Brevet from 1st Lieutenant to Colonel for gallant and
meritorious conduct
Before the close of the war he commanded a regiment with the rank of Colonel
of Volunteers. He served on the personal staffs of Generals Pleasanton and
Sheridan, and participated in all the great cavalry battles of Virginia.
Since the close of the war he has been stationed in the Indian country, and
had the honor of being mentioned several times in the reports of the senior
officers under whom he served.
In one instance attention was called to his brilliant conduct in the battle of
Beaver Creek, Kansas, by special order from Department Headquarters, issued by
Lieutenant-General Sheridan. For this action he received his Brevet as Colonel
2. James Edward Carpenter, born March 6th, 1841; married, Oct. 17, 1867,
Harriet Odin Dorr, daughter of Rev. Benjamin Dorr, D.D., rector of Christ
Church, Philadelphia.
He served as a volunteer in the war of the Rebellion, enlisting as a private
in the Eighth Pennsylvania Cavalry. He became Captain and Brevet-Major. During
the latter part of the war he served on the staff of Major-General Gregg (one
of Sheridan's Division Commanders), and participated in nearly all the battles
fought by the Army of the Potomac. He was wounded in the cavalry fight of
Philamont, during the advance of the army into Virginia after Antietam. In the
charge of the Eighth Pennsylvania Cavalry at Chancellorsville, his horse was
shot under him, and of the five officers who rode into the fight, he was one
of the two who survived. Having 'partially prepared for the bar prior to the
commencement of the war, he resumed its studies at its close, and in October,
1865, was admitted at Philadelphia in the full practice of his profession.
He is (1877) a vestryman of Christ Church, Philadelphia, a manager of Christ
Church Hospital and of Christ Church Chapel, Treasurer of the Historical
Society of Pennsylvania, and a member of the Executive Committee of that body.
He has two children living.
1. Edward, born Aug. 27, 1872.
2. Helen, born Nov. 11, 1874.
3. Grace, born Oct. 25, 1876; died May 27, 1877.
3. Sarah Caroline Carpenter, born Jan. 18, 1843; married, Jan.
8, 1855, Andrew Wheeler, a prominent iron merchant, and vestryman of St.
Luke's Episcopal Church, Philadelphia. Their children are: Andrew, Samuel,
Bowman, Arthur, Leslie, Walter, Stratton and Herbert.
4. Mary Howell Carpenter, born Jan. 22, 1845.
5. Caspar Wistar Carpenter, born Sept. 17, 1847; died 1848.
6. Thomas Preston Carpenter, born April 30, 1849. Resides in Chicago
(unmarried, 1879).
7. Henrietta Howell Carpenter, born 1855; died young.
8. Charles Creighton Carpenter, born Dec. 11, 1860; now (1879) student in
Pennsylvania University.
[From the records compiled by the late 0. P. Smith, through the
courtesy of his daughter Miss Flizabeth A. Smith, of Trenton, New Jersey].